S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | MAT-101 | Matrices, Calculus and Complex Analysis | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 2 | PHY-101 | Engineering Physics | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | CHE-101 | Analytical Chemistry | 3 (1 + 2) | View Syllabus | 4 | ENG-101 | Communication Skills and Personality Development | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 5 | COM-101 | Fundamentals of computing and programming | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 6 | BME-101 | Manufacturing Processes | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 7 | FBR-101 | Fisheries Biology and Resource Management | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 8 | AQE-101 | Fundamentals of Aquaculture Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 9 | PED-101 | Physical Education and Yoga Practices - I (Non- credit Compulsory) | 1 (0 + 1) | View Syllabus |
Total | 25 (15+10) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | MAT-102 | Differential Equations and Transform Theories | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 2 | CHE-102 | Engineering Chemistry | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | BME-102 | Engineering Mechanics | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 4 | BME-103 | Thermodynamics | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 5 | BEE-101 | Electrical Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 6 | BCE-101 | Engineering Graphics | 2 (0 + 2) | View Syllabus | 7 | AQE-102 | Aquacultural Machineries and Equipments | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 8 | AQC-101 | Principles of Aquaculture | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 9 | FSC-101 | Biochemistry of Fish and Fishery Products | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 10 | PED-102 | Physical Education and Yoga Practices - II (Non- credit Compulsory) | 1 (0 + 1) | View Syllabus |
Total | 25 (14+11) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | MAT-201 | Numerical Methods for Engineering Applications | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 2 | BCE-201 | Strength of Materials | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | BCE-202 | Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 4 | BME-201 | Heat and Mass Transfer | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 5 | FSC-201 | Fisheries Microbiology | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 6 | BME-202 | Theory of Machines | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 7 | FPE-201 | Principles of Fish Process Engineering | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 8 | FNM-201 | Fishing Craft Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 9 | NSS-201 | National Service Scheme (Non- credit Compulsory) | 1 (0 + 1) | View Syllabus |
Total | 23 (14+9) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | BCE-203 | Surveying and Leveling | 3 (1 + 2) | View Syllabus | 2 | BEE-201 | Electronics and Instrumentation | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | FNM-202 | Fishing Gear Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 4 | BME-203 | Machine Design and Computer Aided Machine Drawing | 3 (1 + 2) | View Syllabus | 5 | AQE-201 | Coastal Engineering and Management | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 6 | FPE-202 | Unit Operations in Fish Process Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 7 | FPE-203 | Industrial Production of Fishery Products | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus |
Total | 21 (12+9) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | MAT-301 | Engineering Statistics | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 2 | AQE-301 | Advanced Aquaculture Systems | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | BCE-301 | Engineering Materials, Estimation and Costing | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 4 | FPE-301 | Refrigeration Engineering and Freezing Technology | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 5 | BME-301 | Renewable Energy Engineering | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 6 | FEE-301 | Fisheries Extension and Management | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 7 | FNM-301 | Navigation, Seamanship and Marine Electronics | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 8 | FQM-301 | Food Safety and Total Quality Management (TQM) | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus |
Total | 22 (14+8) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | MAT-302 | Operations Research | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 2 | FPE-302 | Industrial Engineering and Management | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | FPE-303 | Environmental Engineering and Management | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 4 | AQE-302 | Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing in Fisheries and Aquaculture | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 5 | FNM-302 | Marine Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 6 | FNM-303 | Sea Safety and Disaster Management | 2 (1 + 1) | View Syllabus | 7 | FEM-301 | Fisheries Economics and Business Management | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus |
Total | 19 (12+7) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | FES-401 | In-plant attachment (for 8 weeks) | 10 (0 + 10) | View Syllabus | 2 | FES-402 | Rural Fisheries Engineering Work Experience Prog. (for 8 weeks) | 10 (0 + 10) | View Syllabus | 3 | FES-403 | Study Tour (in and outside State) (for 4 weeks) | 2 (0 + 2) | View Syllabus |
Total | 22 (0+22) |
S.No | Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | 1 | FPE-401 | Plant Design and Equipment Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 2 | FPE-402 | Fish Packaging and Storage Engineering | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 3 | FNM-401 | Fishing Harbour Engineering and Fleet Management | 3 (2 + 1) | View Syllabus | 4 | FES-404 | Student READY Experiential Module This will include capacity building and skill development of the | View Syllabus | Skill Development (for one week) | 5 (0 + 5) | Experiential Learning Programme | 15 (0 + 15) |
Total | 29 (6+23) |
Rank of a matrix - consistency of linear system of equations - Eigen value problem - Eigen values of a real matrix - characteristic equation - Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a real matrix - Properties - Cayley - Hamilton theorem (excluding proof) - Orthogonal transformation of a symmetric matrix to diagonal form - Quadratic form - Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation
Unit – IILimits and Continuity - Partial derivatives - Homogeneous functions and Euler?s theorem - Total derivative - Differentiation of implicit functions - Change of variables - Jacobians Taylor?s series for functions of two variables - Maxima and minima of functions of two variables - Lagrange?s method of undetermined multipliers.
Unit – IIIDouble integration - Cartesian and polar coordinates - Change of order of integration - Change of variables between Cartesian and polar coordinates - Triple integration in Cartesian co-ordinates - Area as double integral - Volume as triple integral.
Unit – IVGradient, Divergence and Curl - Directional derivative - Irrotational and solenoidal vector fields - Vector integration - Problems on Green?s theorem in a plane, Gauss divergence theorem and Stoke?s theorem (excluding proofs) - Simple applications involving cubes and rectangular parallelepipeds.
Unit – VFunctions of a complex variable - Analytic functions: Necessary conditions, Cauchy - Riemann equation and Sufficient conditions (excluding proofs) - Harmonic and orthogonal properties of analytic function - Harmonic conjugate - Construction of analytic functions Conformal mapping: w= z+c, cz, 1/z, and bilinear transformation. Complex integration: Statement and applications of Cauchy?s integral theorem and Cauchy?s integral formula - Taylor and Laurent expansions - Singular points - Residues - Residue theorem.
Consistency of linear system of equations, Cayley - Hamilton theorem, orthogonal transformation of a symmetric matrix to diagonal form, reduction of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation. Partial derivatives, Homogeneous functions and Euler?s theorem, Differentiation of implicit functions, Change of variables, Jacobians, Taylor?s series for functions of two variables, Maxima and minima of functions of two variables - Lagrange?s method of undetermined multipliers. Double integration - Change of order of integration, Change of variables between Cartesian and polar coordinates, Triple integration in Cartesian co-ordinates, Area as double integral, Volume as triple integral. Vector integration: Problems on Green?s theorem in a plane, Gauss divergence theorem and Stoke?s theorem, Simple applications involving cubes and rectangular parallelepipeds. Functions of a complex variable - Analytic functions: Necessary conditions, Cauchy - Riemann equation and Sufficient conditions, Harmonic and orthogonal properties of analytic function, Conformal mapping: w= z+c, cz, 1/z, and bilinear transformation. Complex integration: Cauchy?s integral formula, Taylor and Laurent expansions.
1. Grewal BS. 2007. Higher Engineering Mathematics (40th Edition), Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 2. Kreyzig E. 2007. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th Edition), John Wiley & Sons (Asia) (P) Limited, Singapore.
Elasticity - Stress - Strain - Hook?s Law - classification of elastic modulus - Poisson?s ratio - Twisting couple on a cylinder - Torsional pendulum - Cantilever - Bending of Beam - Uniform and non uniform bending - viscosity - Coefficient of Viscosity - Streamline and Turbulent flow - Reynold?s number - Poiseuille?s method - Stoke?s method - Ostwald?s viscometer - surface Tension - Surface energy - Drop weight method - Capillary rise method - gravitation - Kepler?s Law - Gravitational constant - Gravitational field - Gravitational potential due to a spherical shell and solid sphere - Seismic waves - Seismograph and applications of seismology - acoustics - classification and transmission of sound - acoustical deign of auditorium - everberation time, absorption coefficient - loudness - Noise control - ultrasonics - classification and properties - magnetostriction and piezoelectric generation - detection and measurement - application - non-destructive testing - nature of heat - Joule Kelvin Cooling Effect - orous Plug Experiment - Liquefaction of gases - production of low temperature and adiabatic demagnetisation - Transmission of heat - Coefficient of thermal conductivity - Lees Disc Method for the determination of thermal conductivity.
Unit – IIResolving power of Optical Instrument - Rayleigh?s criteria - Microscopes - Electron Beam focusing - SEM and TEM - polarisation - types of polarized light - Nicol Prism - Double refraction - Quarter wave plate and Half wave plate - Polarimeter- laser - Principle of Laser, Population inversion - types of lasers - Helium-Neon laser - Semiconductor laser and applications - fiber Optics - Principle and types of optical fibers - Fabrication of Optical fibers: Vapour Deposition, Fiber pulling, Double Crucible - Transmission of light wave through Optical Fibers - Fiber Optical Communications and Sensors - Engineering applications.
Unit – IIIMagnetic materials - Classification: Paramagnetics, Ferromagnetic, Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic materials - Soft and hard magnetic materials - Energy product and energy density - Bubble memory - Magnetic principle in computer data storage - dielectric Materials - dielectric parameters - types of polarization - types of electrical insulating materials - Dielectric constant - dielectric loss - Ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials - applications of Dielectric materials - Dielectric Capacitors - nanomaterials - Classification - Top Down approach and Bottom up approach for Synthesis - High energy Ball Milling, Chemical Vapour deposition and Sol gel.
Unit – IVElectrical conduction - Classification of conducting materials - Drude Lorentz theory of metals - expression for electrical conductivity and drift velocity - Weidemann Franz Law - advantages and drawbacks of classical free electron theory - Band theory of solids - variation of electrical conductivity with temperature - applications of conductors: strain gauge, thermistor, heating element, resistance thermometer - superconductors - types of superconductors - properties of superconducting materials - BCS theory - Josephson effect - applications: SQUID and Magnetic Levitation.
Unit – VStructure of Atom - Rutherford?s experiment - Bohr?s atom model - Spectral series of Hydrogen atom, Pauli?s exclusion principle, Vector atom model, Coupling schemes - X-rays - production - Continuous and characteristic X-rays - Bragg?s law - Braggs X-ray Spectrometer - Powder - Crystal Method - Diffraction - Laue?s Method - Rotating Crystal Method - Moseley?s Law and its importance - Solids - Types - Crystal - Lattice - Basis, Primitive Lattice Cell, Unit Cell,- Elements of Symmetry and Symmetry Operations, Crystal System - Miller indices - Determination of Crystal Structure by Bragg?s Law - Structure of KCl and NaCl crystals.
Viscosity of liquid by Stokes method - Surface tension by Drop weight method - Young?s modulus of a rectangular bar by uniform bending method - Verification of Newton?s law of cooling and specific heat of liquid - Refractive index of solid prism using spectrometer - Wave length of prominent lines of mercury spectrum using a plane transmission grating - Specific rotatory power of sugar solution using polarimeter - Emissivity of a surface - spherical Calorimeter - Viscosity of liquid by Poiseullie?s flow method - Surface tension by capillary rise method - Young?s modulus of a rectangular bar by non-uniform bending method - Thermal conductivity of bad conductor by Lee?s Disc method - Refractive index of liquid prism using spectrometer - Rigidity modulus of a cylinder by Torsion pendulum - Radius of curvature of a lens by Newton?s rings - Spectrometer i-d curve.
1. Suresh C, Mohit KS, Monika S. Textbook of Physics for Engineers. Narosa Publishing House, India.
General principles of analytical chemistry - Common analytical methods - Qualitative and quantitative analysis - Accuracy and precision of analytical results - Preparation of laboratory reagents.
Unit – IIVolumetric analysis - calibration of apparatus - preparation of primary and secondary standards - standardization. Theory of indicators and buffers - acidimetry, alkalimetry, oxidimetry, complexometry and precipitometry.
Unit – IIIGravimetric analysis - principles of precipitation reactions - solubility product - common ion effect - conditions of precipitation - choice of filters - washing solutions.
Unit – IVInstrumental analysis - principles and practices of potentiometry, conductometry, colorimetry, spectrophotometry, absorption and emission spectroscopy and chromatography - choice of analytical methods.
Unit – VRadioactivity - measurements - radiocarbon dating - stable isotopes - tracer studies - mass spectroscopy - use of radioisotopes in fisheries.
Demonstration of laboratory glass wares and equipment used in water and soil analysis. Water analysis: measurement of temperature, turbidity, determination of pH, BOD, COD, and EC. Determination of total alkalinity, hardness. Determination of inorganic nitrogen, and phosphorus Soil analysis: Determination of soil texture, soil pH, conductivity, soil available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and organic carbon.
1. Gopalan R, Balasubramanian PS and Rengarajan K. 1986. Elements of Analytical Chemistry, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 2. Dash UN. 2005. Analytical Chemistry Theory and Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Communication skills- Process of communication, verbal and non verbal communication; listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures.
Unit – IIReading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking; Group discussion.
Unit – IIIRole of ICT in communication. Recent advances in communication- Print and electronic, internet, e-mail, fax, mobile, interactive video and teleconferencing, computer, egovernance.
Unit – IVMeaning and definition of personality; Theoretical perspectives on personality- Behavioural trait and humanistic personality pattern; moulding the personality patterns.
Unit – VPersonality development - Self perception, self concept, self esteem and gender stereotyping, persistence and changes in personality determinants (physical, intellectual, emotional, social, educational and family). Aspirations, achievements and fulfillment. Dressing for formal and informal occasions.
Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations. Developing questionnaire to study impact of physique, educational institutions, aspirations on personality; developing questionnaire to study social prescriptions, gender and family on personality, aspirations and achievements. Collecting data through the questionnaires on small samples. Report writing and presentation. Case study of an individual suffering with personality disorders.
1. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeetha Sharma. 2011. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Rizvi and Ashraf M. 2005. Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
Introduction to computers - Digital and Analog Computers - Evolution of Computer - History of Computer- Classification of Computer - Computing concepts: Hardware - Input/Output, CPU, Memory - Number Systems-Software Development steps - Introduction to office packages
Unit – IIAlgorithm/pseudo code-Flowchart-Structure of C program-Overview of C-Constants, Variables and Data types-Operators-Input-Output statements-Decision Making-Branching and Looping.
Unit – IIIArrays - Concepts - Declaration - Definition - Accessing elements - Storing elements - Twodimensional and multi-dimensional arrays - Applications of arrays - Storage classes - Extern - Auto- register - Static - string handling functions.
Unit – IVDerived types - Structures - Declaration - Definition and initialization of structures - Accessing structures - Nested structures - Unions - C program examples.
Unit – VFunctions - Types - User defined functions - Standard library functions - Function header - Function body - Function statements - Function prototype - Function calls - Call by value - Recursive functions-Pointer declaration- Call by REFERENCES.
Windows Operating System working environment - Microsoft Excel: Spreadsheet and data manipulations - Simple and advanced searching - working environment of C Editor - Variables - constants and operators with different data types - Branching structures - looping structures - One-Dimensional array - Two-Dimensional Array - String operation - Multi-Function program - Function calls using Arguments with return values - Structures and union - Pointer: Accessing variables - File handling: Sequential and Random access files.
1. Yashavant Kanetkar. 2007. Let us C (12th edition), BPB publications, India.
2. Anita G and Ajay M. 2011. Computer Fundamentals and programming in C, Pearson Education.
3. Brian WK and Dennis MR. 2008. The C Programming Language (2nd Edition), Pearson Education.
Engineering materials - property definitions - iron-carbon equilibrium diagram - ferrous metals and alloys, non ferrous metals and alloys - manufacturing processes and properties - heat treatment of steels - purpose and method of heat treatment - annealing, normalizing - hardening - tempering - surface hardening.
Unit – IIMechanical working of metals - hot working processes - hot rolling - hot forging - spinning - extrusion - drawing-piercing - cold working processes - cold rolling - shot peening - smithy and forging operations - types - welding process - arc welding - polarity - types - electrodes - gas welding - gas flames - gas welding technique - gas cutting of metals - sheet metal work - tools.
Unit – IIIPattern making - pattern materials - types of pattern - core boxes- core prints foundry - moulding tools - moulding sand - properties - moulding - moulding materials - types of moulds - methods of moulding - special casting process - permanent moulding - slush casting - die casting - centrifugal casting - investment casting - shell moulding - continuous casting.
Unit – IVLathe - principal parts - types - working principles - basic operations - lathe accessories - drilling machine, shaper, planer - principal parts - working principle - operations - grinding machine, milling machine, principal parts - types - basic operations.
Unit – VManufacturing process for plastics - compression moulding - transfer moulding - injection moulding - jet moulding and blow moulding - calendaring-casting - slush casting - laminating - joining - modern machining methods, Electro discharge machining (EDM), wire cut Electro discharge machining (WEDM), advantages and limitations - advanced manufacturing technologies.
Carpentry tools, handling, operation, wood cutting, sizing, planning, shaping - practice in making joints, half lap, open mortise, tenon and mortise, finishing - fitting tools, handling, operation, bench work, job holding devices. Practice in filing, making joints, L and square, joints. lathe, operation, practice in facing, plain turning and thread cutting - arc welding, striking the arc - practice in welding joints, butt, lap - gas welding and cutting. Practice in making joints - shaper operation - practice in machining grooves - milling machine operation, tool mounting. Practice in key way milling - drilling machine, operations - practice in drilling and boring - grinding machine - practice in grinding operation.
1. Hajra Chouldhary SK and Hajra Choudhury AK. 1997. Elements of workshop Technology - I & II, Media promoters and Publishers (P) Limited, Mumbai. 2. Kalpakjian S. 2006. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Pearson Education India. 3. Ghosh A and Mallik AK. 1986. Manufacturing Science, Wiley Eastern.
1. Meaning, Scope and importance of physical Education
2. Football-demonstration, practice of the skills, correction, involvement in game situation (for girls teaching of Tennikoit)
3. Football-demonstration practice of the skills, correction, involvement in game situation(for girls teaching of Tennikoit)
4. Advance skills of football- involvement of all the skills in game situation with teaching of rules of the game.
5. Basketball- demonstration, practice of the skills, correction of skills, involvement in game situation
6. Basketball - demonstration, practice of the skills, involvement in game situation
7. Basketball - involvement of all the skills in game situation with teaching of rule of the game
8. Ball Badminton - demonstration, practice of the skills, correction of skills, involvement in game situation
9. Ball Badminton - involvement of all the skills in game situation with teaching of rule of the game
10. Some of Asanas - demonstration, practice, correction and practice
Chemistry of water - Hydrogen ions, concept of pH and buffer. Fourth phase of water - EZ water - properties of fresh and saline water. Collection and preservation of water samples. Concept of temperature, transparency, turbidity, determination of pH, salinity, chlorinity, total solids, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, total hardness, inorganic (ammonium and nitrate) and organic nitrogen (protein, amino acids) and phosphorus. Water quality criteria/ requirements for aquaculture. |
1. Definition, Type of Tournaments
2. Physical Fitness and Health Education
3. Swimming - demonstration, practice of the skills, correction of skills, involvement in appropriate situation
4. Kabaddi - demonstration, practice of the skills, correction of skills, involvement in game situation
5. Advance skills of Kabaddi - involvement of all the skills in game situation with teaching of rule of the game
6. Some more of Asanas - demonstration, practice, correction and practice
7. Table Tennis - demonstration, practice of skills, correction and practice and involvement in game situation
8. Table Tennis - involvement of all the skills in game situation with teaching of rule of the game
9. Construction and laying out of the track and field (*The girls will have Tennikoit and Throw Ball)
Simple Stresses and Strains - Hooke‟s Law - Modulus of Elasticity - Principle of Superposition - bars of varying sections - thermal stresses and strains - Elastic Constants - Poisson‟s Ratio - Bulk Modulus - Shear Modulus - interrelationships - Strain Energy and Impact Loading - Proof Resilience - Modulus of Resilience - Principal Stresses and Strains - Oblique sections - Analytical method - Graphical method (Mohr‟s Circle method).
Centroid and Centre of Gravity - geometrical considerations - method of moments - Plane (laminae) sections - symmetrical sections - unsymmetrical sections - solid bodies and sections with cut our holes - Moment of Inertia - Routh‟s rule - method of integration - Theorem of Parallel axes - Theorem of Perpendicular axes - geometric sections - solid and hollow sections - composite and built-up sections. |
Structures built of Frames - Types of Frames - Perfect and imperfect frames - deficient and redundant frames - Loads and stresses - Method of Joints - Method of sections - Graphical method - Bow‟s notations - polar diagram - funicular polygon - vector diagram - cantilever trusses - freely supported trusses - King Post and Queen Post Trusses. |
Cantilever beams and simply supported beams - continuous beams and overhanging beams - Uniformly distributed load and gradually varying load - Shear Force and Bending Moment distributions - Theory of Simple Bending - Bending stress - modulus of section - deflection in beams and cantilevers - Double integration method - Macaulay‟s method. |
Columns and struts - Slenderness ratio - Buckling and crushing - Euler‟s Column theory - applications - Rankine‟s formula - Johnson‟s formula - Indian Standards - Shells - Cylindrical and spherical shells - thin and thick shells - Shafts - torsion in circular shafts - Polar Moment of Inertia - strain energy due to torsion. |
Calculations on simple stresses and strains in uniform and composite sections - thermal stresses and strains - determination of elastic constants with inter-relations - Analytical and Graphical (Mohr‟s Circle) solutions to principal stresses and strains - Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia computations with solid, lamina and cutout sections - load distribution in framed structures using analytical methods (method of joints and method of sections) and graphical procedures (Bow‟s notations and vector diagrams) - Shear Force and Bending Moment distributions along loaded beams and cantilevers (analytical solutions with drawings) - Theory of simple bending - solutions with double integration method and Macaulay‟s method - computation of slope and deflections in beams and cantilevers - problems on columns with Euler‟s theory, torsion in shafts and failure of shells. |
1. Punmia BC, Ashok Kumar J. and Arun Kumar J. 2013. Strength of Materials Laxmi Publication. 2. Bansal RK. 2013. Strength of Materials (4th Edition), Laxmi Publication. 3. Rajput RK. 2010. Mechanics of Solids, Sultan Chand & Sons Company Limited, New Delhi. |
Basic transfer processes - heat, mass and momentum - heat transfer process - conductors and insulators - conduction - Fourier‟s fundamental equation - thermal conductivity and thermal resistance - linear heat flow - heat transfer through homogenous wall, composite walls, radial heat flow through cylinders and sphere - extended surfaces (fins) - solving problems in heat transfer by conduction. |
Newton Rikhman‟s law - film coefficient of heat transfer - convection - free and forced convection - dimensional analysis and its application - factors affecting the heat transfer coefficient in free and forced convection heat transfer - overall heat transfer coefficient - solving problems in heat transfer by convection. |
Heat exchangers - parallel, counter and cross flow - evaporator and condensers - Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference - overall coefficient of heat transfer - Heat Exchanger Types - Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient - Fouling Factors - Analysis - LMTD method - NTU method. Tube in tube heat exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger - applications of heat exchangers - solving problems in heat exchangers. |
Radiation heat transfer - concept of black and grey body - monochromatic total emissive power - Kirchoff‟s law - Planck‟s law - Stefan-Boltzman‟s law - heat exchange through nonabsorbing media - solving problems in heat transfer by radiation. |
Mass transfer - introduction - Fick‟s law for molecular diffusion - molecular diffusion in gases - equimolar counters diffusion in gases and diffusion of gas A through non diffusing or stagnant B - diffusion through a varying cross sectional area and diffusion coefficients for gases - molecular diffusion in liquids, biological solutions and gels. |
Measurement of thermal conductivity by composite wall and lagged pipe method - determination of heat transfer coefficients in free and forced convection - experiments with parallel and counter flow heat exchangers - determination of emissivity, StefanBoltzmann‟s constant - solving problems on heat and mass transfer. |
1. Rajput RK. 2013. Heat and Mass Transfer [SI Units] (5th Edition), S Chand and Company. 2. Sachdeva RC. 2013. Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer [SI Units], Age International Publishers. 3. Cengel A Yunus. 2010. Heat Transfer- A Practical Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. |
1. Kothandaraman CP and Subramanyan S. 2007. Heat and Mass Transfer-Data Book (6th Edition), New Age International. |
Types of micro organisms: Prokaryotes-morphology and ultra structure of bacterial cell. General features and importance of viruses, cyanobacteria, actinomycetes, archae,mycoplasma,rickettsiae. Eukaryotes - Diagnostic features and importance of fungi and protozoa. Microscopy - Principle and Construction of Bright field, dark field, phase contrast, stereo, SEM and Tem. Microbial taxonomy - Bergy‟s and molecular taxonomy. |
Microbial Techniques - Types of media, types of sterilization - physical and chemical agents cultivation of microorganisms, staining techniques - simple, differential, structural staining: enumeration of micro - organisms, subculture, preservation methods. Bacterial metabolism: Nutrient Requirements, nutritional types, bacterial photosynthesis and their ecological significance. |
General principles, genetic recombination, transformation, transduction and conjugation. Plasmids - types and their importance. Mutation - types and significance. Microbial ecology: Introduction and types of interaction, extremophiles and their significance. |
Introduction and scope of aquatic microbiology, aquatic environment as habitat for microorganisms - bacteria, cyanobacteira, Fungi, algae, parasites and Viruses; distribution of microorganisms and their biomass in rivers, lakes, sea and sediment. Influence of physical, chemical and biological factors on aquatic microbes. Microbial biofilms, role of microbes in the production and breakdown of organic matter. Role of microbes in sedimentation and mineralization process. Nutrient cycles - carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, iron, and manganese cycle. Sewage microbiology, self purification in natural waters, sewage treatment, drinking water microbiology, sanitary quality of water for aquaculture, bioremediatiors. Economic significance of aquatic microbes. |
Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of fish that affect microbial growth. Psychrophiles, halophiles and thermophiles, their role in spoilage and food poisoning. Food borne human pathogens - Vibrio, E coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Clostridia, Campylobacter, Streptococcus, Faecal Streptococcus, etc. Study of micro-organisms in food by conventional and rapid techniques |
Handling of microscopes, wet mount, smear and hanging drop preparations micrometry - determination of size of micro organisms (ocular, stage micrometers). Tools and techniques in sterilization methods: filtration, dry heat, moist heat, chemical agents cultivations technique: Media preparation, isolation - pure culture, subsculture. Observation of fungi, blue - green alge, and protozoan‟s. Staining techniques for bacteria - simple, differential, structural and biochemical tests: indole, methyl red, voges proskauer, citrate test, oxidase test, catalase tests. Collection of water and sediment sample for microbilogical analysis, winogradsky cylinder. Isolation, identification and enumeration of various groups of microorganisms from different water bodies including aquaculture systems. Study of bacteria involved in nutrient cycles. Biofilms, water testing for potability, enumeration of coli form. Antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria - antibiotic sensitivity test - disc diffusion methods. |
1. Chan ECS, Michael JP, Jr Noel R Krieg. 2001. Microbiology (5th Edition), Tata McGraw- Education (P) Limited, New York. 2. Adam M and Dick M. Food Microbiology. Scientific International (P) Limited. (Publishers & distributors) New Delhi. 3. Frazier WC and Westhoff DC. Food Microbiology ( 5th Edition), Mc Graw Hill Education (India) (P) Limited, New Delhi. |
Classification of mechanisms - Basic kinematic concepts and definitions - Degree of freedom, Mobility - Kutzbach criterion, Gruebler‟s criterion - Grashof‟s Law - Kinematic inversions of four-bar chain and slider crank chains - Limit positions - Mechanical advantage - Transmission Angle - Description of some common mechanisms - Quick return mechanisms, Straight line generators - Universal Joint - rocker mechanisms. Linkage Mechanisms - Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms - Graphical method- Velocity and acceleration polygons - Velocity analysis using instantaneous centres - kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms - Coincident points - Coriolis component of Acceleration - Introduction to linkage synthesis problem. |
Law of toothed gearing - Involutes and cycloidal tooth profiles -Spur Gear terminology and definitions -Gear tooth action - contact ratio - Interference and undercutting. Helical, Bevel, Worm, Rack and Pinion gears [Basics only]. Gear trains - Speed ratio, train value - Parallel axis gear trains - Epicyclic Gear Trains. |
Dynamic force analysis - Inertia force and Inertia torque- D Alembert‟s principle -Dynamic Analysis in reciprocating engines - Gas forces - Inertia effect of connecting rod- Bearing loads - Crank shaft torque - Turning moment diagrams -Fly Wheels - Flywheels of punching presses. Balancing- Static and dynamic balancing - Balancing of rotating masses - Balancing a single cylinder engine - Balancing of Multi-cylinder inline, V-engines - Partial balancing in engines - Balancing of linkages - Balancing machines-Field balancing of discs and rotors. |
Basic features of vibratory systems - Degrees of freedom - single degree of freedom - Free vibration - Equations of motion - Natural frequency - Types of Damping - Damped vibration- Torsional vibration of shaft - Critical speeds of shafts - Torsional vibration - Two and three rotor torsional systems. Forced Vibration - Response of one degree freedom systems to periodic forcing - Harmonic disturbances -Disturbance caused by unbalance - Support motion -transmissibility - Vibration isolation vibration measurement. |
Gyroscopes - Gyroscopic forces and torques - Gyroscopic stabilization - Gyroscopic effects in Automobiles, ships and airplanes. Governors - Types - Centrifugal governors - Gravity controlled (Watt, Porter& Proell) and spring controlled (Hartnell) centrifugal governors - Characteristics - Effect of friction - Controlling force curves. |
Motorized gyroscope - Study of gyroscopic effect and couple. Governor - Determination of range sensitivity, effort etc., for Watts, Porter, Proell, and Hartnell Governors. Whirling of shafts - Determination of critical speeds of shafts with concentrated loads. Single degree of freedom Spring Mass System - Determination of natural Frequency and verification of Laws of springs - Damping coefficient determination. Multi degree freedom suspension system - Determination of influence coefficient. Determination of torsional natural frequency of single and Double Rotor systems.- Undamped and Damped Natural frequencies. Vibration Absorber - Tuned vibration absorber. Determination of Mass Moment of Inertia of axisymmetric bodies using Turn Table apparatus. Problems involving kinematics, gears and gear trains, dynamic forces, balancing of engines, Gyroscopes and governers. |
1. Khurmi RS.2005.Theory of Machines (14th Edition), S Chand Publications. 2. Sadhu Sigh. 2012. Theory of Machines, Kinematics of Machine (3rd Edition), PearsonEducation. 3. Rattan SS. 2009.Theory of Machines (3rd Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill. |
Introduction- Seafood of commercial importance, seafood trade, role in Indian commerce - Fish as food - Importance of fish and shellfishes in human nutrition- Nutritional value of fish and shell fishes- Need for fish preservation. |
Structure of fish myosystem - Chemical composition of fish and shellfish - Water, Protein - Sarcoplasmic, Myofibrillar, Stroma proteins and their significance, Non protein nitrogen compounds and their significance, Lipids, Importance of omega 3 fatty acids in human health - Minerals, Vitamins and their significance |
Post mortem changes in fish and shellfish - Overview - sensory, autolytic, biochemical changes, microbiological changes-Microorganisms in fresh and spoiled fish and shellfish - Intrinsic and Extrinsic parameters affecting microbial growth-Types of microorganisms with REFERENCES to growth conditions. |
Principles of fish preservation and processing - Traditional methods: Drying, basic concepts, kinetics of fish drying, equilibrium moisture content, psychometrics - Drying calculation - Theory of drying - Water activity and drying - Salting-principles, different types of salt and its quality requirement; Smoking - principles of smoking, sources of smoke, smoke and its composition and preservative action - Marinading process, principles, pickling and fermentation of fish and its principles. |
Chilling principles - Ice, CSW, RSW as chilling medium, properties, types - Requirement of ice for chilling - Heat load calculation - Freezing principles, phase equilibrium and freezing curves of pure water and binary solution and fish - Calculation of freezing rate and time - Theory of freezing - Effect of freezing on microorganisms and nutrients-Principles of thermal processing and basic concepts, absolute sterility, commercial sterility, 12-D concept, minimum botulinum cook, pasteurization, sterilization, mechanism of heat transfer, acidity classification of foods, heat resistance of bacteria and spores, decimal reduction time, D value, thermal death time, "Z", "F", “Fo” and cook value, heat penetration, cold point - Determination of process time, graphical, formula, nomogram methods-Non thermal processing and principles, Radiation preservation, High pressure processing, Pulsed electric field, pulse light preservation |
Commercially important fish and shellfishes - Visit to fish landing centre- Proximate analysis of fish - Effect of pH on storage stability of fish - Visit to fish curing yard - Drying rate calculation - Design of smoke kiln-Preparation of pickled product - Calculation of heat load and ice required for chilling - Types of freezers - Freezing rate and time calculation - Machineries used in canning - D - value - Process time calculation - Visit to freezing/canning plant. |
1. Balachandran KK. 2001. Postharvest Technology of fish and fish products, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. 2. Gopakumar K. (Editor).2008. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology, ICAR publication, New Delhi. 3. Earle RL. 2003. Unit Operations in Food processing, Pregamon Press, Oxford, United Kingtom. |
Introduction: History & development of fishing crafts. Technical terminologies related to craft engineering- Traditional fishing crafts of India. Classification of fishing crafts based on fabrication, dimension, nature of fishing, depth of operation etc. Theory of waves; rolling, pitching and heaving; wall sides formula; resistance and motion - wave and eddy creating resistance, fluid resistance.Safety and stability aspects of fishing vessels - factors affecting stability, stability information to be carried on vessels, hydrostatic curves, and static stability curves and safety measures on fishing vessels. Form co-efficient & ratios |
Boat building materials - Wood, Steel, Aluminium, Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP), Ferro cement, their properties and advantages & disadvantages.Wood seasoning, preservation.Choice of construction material; comparison of mechanical properties |
Boat design - Design procedure: Displacement - weight equation; estimation of light weight ship; Basic mathematics & Hydrodynamics for designing of fishing vessels. Calculation of displacement, water plane area; Stability of fishing vessel - longitudinal, transverseIntroduction to ship design software - Introduction to basic engineering drawing, Drawing conventions in naval architecture - Various equilibrium of ships - stable, unstable and neutral. Estimation of engine power for fishing vessel. Marine propeller types, characters & selection of propellers. Resistance of boats. |
Boat construction - methods - Wood, Steel, Aluminium, Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP), Ferro cement. Painting of fishing boats - anticorrosive, antifouling, Sacrificing anode, Dry docking, Common fouling & boring organisms. Preservation and maintenance of various types of hull. Engine installation in fishing vessels; engine bearers for wooden boats; alignment of shaft; stern gear assembly; length of shafts; intermediate shafts; reverse and reduction gear assembly. |
Deck layout - trawlers, purse seiners, long liners, gill netters and combination fishing. Deck equipments - types of winches, net haulers, line haulers, triple drum, gurdy, power blocks, fish pumps. Fish finder, GPS navigator, sonar, net sonde, gear monitoring equipments.Stern gear assembly gear specific equipments,Rules and regulations for fishing vessel fabrication, operation & safety. |
Study on Traditional crafts &various boat building materials - Introduction to engineering drawing: Lettering & dimensions. Projection & its styles. Drawing of traditional crafts: catamaran &Satpati, etc. Drawing of backbone assembly & U & V bottom hull of wooden boat. Lines plan drawing of small fishing vessel: body plan, profile & half breadth plan. Calculations related to craft engineering, Drawing of deck layouts of various fishing crafts: Trawlers, gill netters, long liners, squid jiggers etc. Study of propeller & stern gear assembly. Study on marine fouler & borers. Visiting to harbors, wooden, steel, fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) boat building yard& dry docking yard. Deck layout of trawlers. Purse seiners, tuna long liners, gill netters and combination fishing vessels. Familiarization of various on board deck equipments. |
1. Fyson JF. (Ed). 1985. Design of Small Fishing Vessels, Fishing News Books. 2. Marine Institute. 1988. Proc. World Symposium on Fishing Gear and Fishing Vessel Design, The Newfoundland and Labrador Institute of Fisheries and Marine Technology, St. John‟s, Newfoundland, Canada. 3. Pike D. 1992.Fishing Boats and Their Equipments,Fishing News Books. 4. Ponnambalam A. 2003. Fishing Craft Technology, CIFNET, Cochin. 5. Sanisbury JC. 1996. Commercial Fishing Methods - An Introduction to Vessels and Gear. Fishing News Books. |
Principles and basic concepts, objects and uses of surveying - classification and basic methods of surveying - Types of chains, Ranging rod, Ranging - Direct and Indirect methods - Method of Chaining on level and sloping ground - Obstacles in chaining. |
Principles of chain surveying - selection of survey stations and lines - Offsets - types, Measurement - cross staff and optical square - Steps involved in Chain Survey - Reconnaissance, Index sketch, REFERENCES sketch, Booking entries in field book - Plan and Map, Scale - Plain and Diagonal - Testing of Chain, Degree of accuracy in chaining, Errors and compensation - cumulative, mistakes - Determination of limiting length of offset and problems - |
Area computation, Mid - Ordinate rule, Average ordinate rule, Trapezoidal rules, Simpson rule and Coordinate method of finding area - Computation of volume. |
Basic terminologies of Compass traversing - Prismatic and Surveyors Compass - Checking the accuracy of traverse - Errors and mistakes in Compass survey - Plane tabling - instruments and accessories - Radiation, Traversing, Orientation - Intersection and Resection. |
Levelling - definition - types of Benchmarks - different types of levels - optical principle - lenses - telescopes - Basic principles of leveling - different methods of reduction of levels - types of levelling - Theory of simple, compound, precision, profile, cross sectional and reciprocal levelling - Contouring - definition - contour characteristics - direct and indirect methods - gradient contour - uses - Minor instruments, Hand level - Clinometer - Abney level - Planimeter - Theodolite types - adjustments - setting up - reading angles - measurements - Area and elevation determination. |
Use of different types of chains and tapes - folding and unfolding - ranging - field recording. Chaining - use of cross staff - optical square. Linear measurement and offset setting area computation by cross staff survey - Plotting of cross - staff survey - Chain traversing of cropped area - Correction of Errors in chains and Problems - Computation of Area from field notes and plotted plan, Mid - ordinate rule - Average ordinate rule, Trapezoidal rule - problems - Simpson rule and Coordinate method of finding area and problems - Closed compass traversing - Plotting of closed compass traverse and correction of closing error - Open compass traversing - Problems on Compass traversing - Area computation by plane table survey - radiation method intersection & resection methods traversing - Use of Dumpy of level - limitation - handling - shifting. Simple levelling - temporary adjustments - Differential levelling - Profile levelling - Profile levelling - plotting - Cross - sectioning - Cross sectioning - plotting - Contouring - plotting of contour - preparation of map - estimation of volume - Permanent adjustments in Dumpy Level, Use of Minor instruments, Finding area using Planimeter - Theodolite -cross sectioning with Theodolite - Traversing with a Theodolite - Volume of earth work computation. |
1. Punmia BC, Ashok KJ and Arun KJ. 2016. Surveying Volume - I (16th Edition), Laxmi Publications. 2. Punmia BC, Ashok KJ and Arun KJ. 2016. Surveying Volume - II (16th Edition), Laxmi Publications. |
Passive devices - semi conductor devices - transistors - diode circuits - amplifier circuits - oscillator circuits - thyristor circuits. |
Integrated circuits and operational amplifier - logic gates - flip flop - counters - digital to analog - analog to digital converters - microprocessor introduction. |
General measurement systems - static and dynamic characteristics of instruments - transducer elements - basic input circuits. |
Transducer for motion measurement - force measurement - torque and power measurement - pressure and temperature measurement - flow measurements - pH, humidity, speed measurement using photo electric & reluctance principles. |
Automatic process control system and controllers - programmable logic controllers - introduction - computerized data acquisition system. |
Experiment on elementary analog and digital circuits. experiment on use of transducers and circuits for measurement of motion, pressure, temperature, humidity, speed and pH - calibration of such instruments - study of microprocessor and plc based systems and their use for control applications - data acquisition and control using computers. |
1. Shanthisasidharan. 2014. Programmable Logic & Distributed System, CBA Publishers. 2. Salivahanan S, Suresh Kumar N and Vallavaraj A. 2006. Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. 3. Sawhney AK. 1999. A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi. 4. Krishnaswamy K and Vijayachitra S. 2008. Industrial Instrumentation, New Age International Publishers. |
Introduction: History and development of fishing gears; classification of fishing gears. Traditional fishing gears of India. Factors that determine selection of fishing gears. Gears used in relation to fish and fishing area.Fishing gear materials - Classification and manufacturing-natural and synthetic; yarns, twines, ropes - their properties and identification methods.Yarn numbering systems Runnage, conversions. Twist in twines and ropes, braiding ropes, leaded ropes, floated ropes. |
Netting - types of knots, knotless netting, meshes, braiding, shaping, creasing, baiting and tailoring. Mounting of webbing - different methods, hanging coefficient, take up ratio - net making process - fish net machine |
Floats - buoys - its materials, types, properties and buoyancy. Sinkers - types, materials, properties - negative buoyancy; bobbins, tickler chain.Wire ropes - wires, strands, cores. Fishing accessories - otter boards; variation in designs, otter board dynamics, design consideration for flat rectangular otter board-thimbles, shackles, C-links, rings, G-links, Kelly‟s eye, stopper. Hooks; types, materials, specification numbering system, jigs, spoon hooks. |
Parts of a gill net, trawl net, purse seine, Trap and long lines.- Designing, construction and Operation of commercial fishing gears such as trawl, purse seine, lampara net, gill net, Trap, line fishing and Squid jigging. Calculations related to fishing gear designing |
Attraction of fish - fishing with electricity; Light fishing, fish pumps; operation and mechanization of long lining.Aimed fishing using the modern electronic devices like echo sounder, Sonar and trawl eye. Fishing gear testing - full scale and modern testing in flume tanks, methods of testing a fishing gear. Maintenance and storage of gears and gear materials |
Handling of net braiding tools, making different knots, bends, hitches, net braiding using different knots - shaping, creasing, baiting, fly mesh. Tailoring - T-cuts, N-cuts, B-cuts. Calculations - joining of netting, lacing, seaming. Mounting methods, hanging, reeving, direct, indirect, connected calculations - assembling of netting.Mending of net, identification of synthetic and natural fibres by various methods. Calculation of buoyancy, negative buoyancy - identification of fibres, twines, ropes, iron wires, fish hook. Specification of ropes, wire ropes, rigging materials, methods.Rules of fishing gear drawing, drawing of gill net, two seam trawl net, four seam trawl net and purse seine.Seining, boat seines, beach seines, gill netting, drift set, trammel nets. Line fishing - pole and line, tuna long lines, squid jigging.Deck layout of trawlers. Purse seiners, tuna long liners, gill netters and combination fishing vessels. Fishing experience in operation of traditional and modern fishing methods.Familiarization of various fishing accessories on board. |
1. Baranov FI. 1969. Selected Works on Fishing Gear. Volume - I Commercial Fishing Techniques.Israel Programme for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 2. Baranov FI. 1977. Selected Works on Fishing Gear.Keterpress Enterprises. Israel. 3. Ben-Yami M. 1994. Purse Seining Manual.FAO Fishing Manual. 4. Biswas KP. 1996. Harvesting Aquatic Resources. Daya Publishers House. 5. Bjordal A and Lookkeborg S. 1998.Long Lining.Fishing News Books. 6. Brandt AV. 1984. Fish Catching Methods of the World.Fishing News Books. FAO. 1987. Small Scale Fishing Gear. 7. Fridman AL. 1986. Calculations for fishing Gear Designs.FAO Fishing Manual. Fishing News Books. 8. Garner J. 1988. Modern Deep Sea Trawling Gear.Fishing News Books. 9. Hameed SM and Boopendranath MR. 2000.ModernFishing Gear Technology. 10. Daya Publishers House. 11. Kristionsson H. 1975. Modern Fishing Gear of the World. The White Friars Press. 12. Sreekrishna Y and Shenoy L. 2001.Fishing Gear and craft Technology. ICAR. |
Introduction to the design process - factors influencing machine design, selection of materials based on mechanical properties - Preferred numbers, fits and tolerances - Direct, Bending and torsional stress equations - Impact and shock loading - calculation of principle stresses for various load combinations, eccentric loading - curved beams - crane hook and „C‟ frame- Factor of safety - theories of failure - Design based on strength and stiffness - stress concentration - Design for variable loading - theories of failure. |
Design of permanent joints - welded joints - types of welded joints - strength of transverse and parallel fillet welds - design of welded butt joints. Design of riveted joints - failure modes of riveted joints - Efficiency of riveted joints, Longitudinal and circumferential lap joint for boiler only. Design of non-permanent joints - threaded fasteners - stresses in screwed fastening due to static loading Bolted joints including eccentric loading. Design of Cotter joints-Socket and Spigot Cotter Joint only, Knuckle joint, Turn Buckle. |
Shafts and Couplings: Design of solid and hollow shafts based on strength for torsion, bending and combined loads.Keys, keyways and splines Rigid (Sleeve or Muff, Flange Coupling only) and flexible couplings (Universal coupling only). Springs:- Various types of springs, optimization of helical springs - rubber springs Bearings:- Sliding contact (Journal) and rolling contact bearings - Hydrodynamic journal bearings, Sommerfeld Number, Raimondi and Boyd graphs, - Selection of Rolling Contact bearings. Clutches & Brakes:- Design of plate clutches -cone clutches only. Band and Block brakes only |
Belt drives - flat belts - Euler‟s formula - V-belt design - power calculation and selection - chain drive Spur & Parallel Axis Helical Gears:- Speed ratios and number of teeth-Force analysis -Tooth stresses - Dynamic effects - Fatigue strength - Factor of safety - Gear materials - Design of straight tooth spur gears based on strength and wear considerations - Pressure angle in the normal and transverse plane. Bevel Worm & Cross Helical Gears:- Straight bevel gear: Tooth terminology |
Projections - orthographic - isometric. dimensioning - terms and notations - conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views - sectional views - sectioning convention. orthographic reading and interpretation of views. Computer aided drawing - learning any one CAD software for making machine drawings - form of screw threads - conventional representation of threads - hexagonal bolts and nuts - keys - shaft-key and hub assemblies - bearings - journal - solid - bushed - Pulley - flat and V. Drawing simple assemblies of machines on CAD - practice in solid modeling - working out design problems and making drawings of the designed components. |
1. Khurmi RS and Gupta JK. 2013. A Textbook of Machine Design [SI Units] (1st Edition), S Chand and Company. 2. Bhandari VB. Design of Machine Elements (4th Edition), McGraw-Hill (P) Limited, India. 3. Jayakumar V. 2010. Design of Transmission Systems (2nd Edition), Lakshmi Publications. 4. Prabhu TJ. 2013. Design of Transmission Elements (5th Edition), Mani Offset, Chennai. 5. Shigley JE and Mischke CR. 2008. Mechanical Engineering Design (8th Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill (P) Limited, India. |
1. PSG College of Technology. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. 2009. Design Data Book of Engineers, Kalaikathir Achchagam, Coimbatore. |
Coastal environment - Coastal features, Principles of Coastal zone management, Coastal behavior, Shoreline types; Coastal zone - Coastal zone regulations - Beach profile - Surf zone - Off shore - Coastal waters - Estuaries - Wet lands and Lagoons - Living resources - Non living resources. |
Wave theory - Concepts, Wave equations, Deep water waves - Shallow water waves - Wave pressure - Wave energy - Wave transformation (Refraction, Reflection, Diffraction), Wave current interaction, Wave forces, Breaking of waves - Wave force on structures - Vertical - Sloping and stepped barriers - Force on piles. Finite amplitude waves, Surf zone processes; Design wave specifications; |
Need for forecasting - methods of wave forecasting - Classification of tides and predictions; Darwin‟s equilibrium theory of tides - Effects on structures - seiches, Surges and Tsunamis. |
Coastal transport process; Coastal morphology - Analysis, Modeling and Predictions; Design of coastal structures - Erosion and depositional shore features - Methods of protection - Breakwaters, Sea walls, Sills, Shore improvement structures. Littoral currents - Coastal aquifers - Sea water intrusion - Impact of sewage disposal in seas. Structures near coast - Selection of site for harbour - Types and selection of break waters - Need and mode of dredging - Selection of dredgers - Effect of Mangalore forest. |
Goals and purposes of CZM. Management methods and information: public awareness and environment policy, general coastal zone programs, shore lands management, coastal water basin protection, coastal water quality protection, harvestable resources, and ecosystem restoration. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Act. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). International treaties and conventions. Preparation of projects based on the provided Guidelines and Standards for Coastal Projects-aquaculture, agriculture, estuarine flood protection, sewage treatment systems, solid waste disposal, urban runoff, Power plants, disasters, etc. |
Field Visits to the Coastal area, Measurement of Tides: Design of Tide fed and pump fed farms, Tide prediction calculations, Breakwater measurements at different locations. Fishing Port and Jetty inspection |
1. Bose AN Ghosh, SN Yang, CT and Mitra A. 1991. Coastal Aquacultural Engineering, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company (P) Limited, New Delhi. 2. Bandyopadhyay S. 2008. Water Quality Management for Coastal Aquaculture, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. |
Unit operations in fish processing - conservation of mass and energy - overall view of an engineering process-dimensions and units - dimensional and unit consistency - dimensionless ratios. |
Size reduction - grinding and cutting - principles of comminuting - characteristics of comminuted products - particle size distribution in comminuted products - energy and power requirements in comminuting - crushing efficiency - Rittinger‟s, Bond‟s and Kick‟s laws for crushing-size reduction equipments - construction, operation and applications in fisheries sector |
Mincing - definition - types of mincers - construction and operations- Filtration - definition filter media - types and requirements - constant rate filtration - constant pressure filtration - filter cake resistance-filtration equipment - rotary vacuum filter - filter press-sedimentation - gravitational sedimentation of particles in a fluid - Stoke‟s law, sedimentation of particles in gas-cyclones - settling under sedimentation and gravitational sedimentation-centrifugal separations - rate of separations - liquid - liquid separation - centrifuge equipment. |
Mixing of solids, pastes, and liquids - equipment - liquid mixers - mixers for pastes - and high viscous masses criteria for mixer effectiveness - agitation of liquids - equipments impeller - propeller and flow patterns - applications in fish processing - extrusion cooking - principles and types of extruders - single and double screw extruder - construction, working and applications in fish processing. |
Water activity - sorption behaviour of foods - isotherm models - dehydration - methods - types of dryers - tray dryer, vacuum dryer, heat pump dryer, microwave drying and tunnel drying - principles, construction, working and applications - advantages and disadvantages. |
Exercise on dimensional analysis- Problems in mass and energy balance - Visit to Fish Processing (Metro) Plant - Determination of performance characteristics in size reduction using hammer mill - pin mill - Determination of particle size of granular foods by sieve analysis - Problems on energy requirement in size reduction- Determination of performance characteristics of meat mincer - Experiment on ribbon blender - planetary mixer - Performance evaluation of pasta making machine - Determination of drying characteristics in solar drying unit - tray drying machine- microwave - Study on heat pump drying unit |
1. Sahay KM, Singh KK .1996. Unit Operations of Agricultural Processing. Vikas Publishing House (P) Limited. 2. Earle RL. 2013. Unit Operations in Food Processing. Elsevier. 3. Gopakumar K. (Editor). 2002. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. ICAR. 4. Hall GM. (Editor). 1992. Fish Processing Technology. Blackie. 5. Venugopal V. (Ed.). 2005. Seafood processing: adding value through quick freezing, retortable packaging and cook-chilling. CRC press. |
Dry fish production - Natural drying and artificial drying of fish, dehydrated jelly fish, laminated Bombay duck production - Types of dryers - Salted fish production, technological aspects, Dry salted products and Wet salted products preparation - Mono cured, Pit cured, Colombo cured products-Cold smoked and hot smoked fish products preparation-Smoking kilns-Masmin-Liquid & Electrostatic smoking and their advantages and disadvantages - Fish marinades, cold, cooked and fried marinades - Pickled fishery products, fish and prawn pickle production - fish sauce - fish paste - Quality changes and quality requirements for cured fish products. |
Chilling of fish - Onboard processing of catches - Transportation of live fish/shell fish, Factors affecting live fish transportation - Refrigerated transport systems - Technological aspects of freezing, methods of freezing: Immersion freezing, direct, indirect contact and cryogenic freezing, comparison of various freezing methods, selection of a freezing method - Freezing: processing of fin fish, prawns, lobster, squid, cuttle fish, crab - Different frozen fish products for export from India - IQF products, processing and packaging - Chemical treatment prior to freezing, additives used in freezing-antioxidants, cryoprotectants-Thawing, types of thawing - advantages of thawing, thaw drip estimation - Quality evaluation of frozen foods - Theory of freeze drying, freeze drying of shrimps and advantages of freeze drying. |
Pasteurization of crab meat, production process and technological aspects - Canned fish products, canning process - unit operations - Canning process for fin fishes viz. sardine, mackerel, tuna/shellfishes viz. shrimp, crab, clam, mussel-Retort pouch processing of fish and fishery products, unit operation - Additives in fish canning - Spoilage of canned food physical, chemical and microbial and prevention of spoilage - Radiation processing of cured fish, principles and safety aspects of radiation preservation. |
Production of coated fish products, Battered and breaded product line, fish finger, fish nuggets, shrimp products - butterfly, nobashi etc, Squid and cuttle fish products - Squid rings, stuffed squid, cuttle fish fillets etc - Fish mince - Mince based fish products - fish cutlets, fish balls, fish burgers - Surimi production and surimi based products - Analog products, Imitated crab meats, Crab sticks etc - Types of extruders and principle, Extruded fish products - Expanded snacks, fish noodles, fish pasta, fish macroni etc; Specialty products - Soup powder, wafers production technology. |
Fish byproducts - Fish meal and fish oil production, fish silage, fish protein concentrate, fish protein powder, fish maws; By - products from shark; Chitin, Chitosan and Glucosamine hydrochloride production - FPH, Cavier, Fish leather, Fish gelatin and collagen products etc - Seaweed based products - Agar, Alginic acid, Carageenan. |
Preparation of dried, salted and smoked fish products by different methods - Essentials of chilled fish packaging - Visit to live fish/shellfish export unit - Visit to fish/shell fish freezing plant - Estimation of thaw drip - Canning of fish and shell fishes - Retort processing of fish and shell fishes - Visit to canning plant - Operations of extruder - Preparation of battered and breaded products - Preparation of Surimi - Preparation of fish meal, fish oil and chitin/chitosan - Visit to fish meal plant. |
1. Balachandran KK. 2001. Post-harvest technology of fish and fish products, Daya Books. 2. Pearson AM and Thayne RD. 2011. Production and processing of healthy meat, poultry and fish products, volume (11), Springer Science and Business Media. |
Random experiment - definition of probability - axioms on probability - definition of events and its types - conditional probability - addition and multiplication laws of probability - Baye‟s theorem. |
Random variable - discrete and continuous random variable - probability mass function and density function - distribution function and its properties - two dimensional random variables - joint probability mass and density function - marginal distribution function - conditional probability distribution - mathematical expectation and its properties - Moment generating function and its properties - central limit theorem (without proof). |
Discrete Probability distribution: Bernoulli distribution - Binomial distribution - Poisson distribution - Properties - their mean, variance and moment generating function. Continuous distribution: Normal, Standard normal distributions, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, - Properties - their mean, variance and moment generating function |
Introduction - Parameter and statistic - Sampling Distribution - Standard Error - Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis - Level of significance and critical value - One Tailed and Two Tailed Tests - Type I and Type II errors - Test procedure. Large sample test - single mean and difference between two means - single proportion and difference between two proportions. Small sample tests - t-test for testing the significance of single mean - independent t-test (equal & unequal variances) and paired t test - chi square test for testing the association of a 2 x 2 contingency table. |
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Chance and assignable causes of variation - uses of Statistical quality control - process and product control - Control Charts and its uses - Control limits - control charts for variables - Construction of control charts for mean and range (X and R ) charts - control charts for attributes - „np‟, „p‟ and C charts. |
Simple problems in probability and Simple problems based on additive and multiplicative laws of probability - Application of Baye‟s theorem - Problems in probability mass function and density function - Problems in joint probability mass function and density function - Deriving their mean and variance using moment generating function - Problems in Bernoulli, Binomial distribution - Problems in Poisson distribution and Problems in Normal distribution - Problems in Uniform and Gamma distribution - Problems in Exponential distribution - Large sample test - test for single proportion and difference between two proportions - Large sample test - test for single mean and difference between two means - Small samples test - t-test for single mean - t test for difference between two sample means (equal variances only) - Paired t-test - Chi square test for testing the association of a 2 x 2 contingency table - Construction of control charts for mean and range ( X and R) charts -Construction of np and p chart. |
TEXT BOOKS 1. Ibe OC. 2007. Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes (1st Indian Reprint), Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, New York. 2. Gross D and Harris CM. 2004. Fundamentals of Queueing Theory, Wiley Student Edition. 3. Peebles PZ. 2002. Probability Random Variables and Random Signal Principles (4th Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, New Delhi. |
Classification and Types of cage culture - Species wise, Location wise, Material of Construction Parameters influencing the design - Site Selection, environmental parameters, Logistic Suppor. Design of the principal components, Mooring systems - anchoring systems, - Feeding systems - Safety - Inspection - Harvesting types - off shore cage platforms - Supply Boats - etc. |
Open system - closed system - Indoor , Outdoor, species wise, Theory, concepts and Design of the components based on mass balancing ; Holding Facility - Types and classification: Machineries involved in the RAS - Mechanical filters, Biological Filters, Chemical Filters, Ozonators, Oxygen Generators, Lighting System, Specialized Feeding System, Process control Automation, Harvesting and Live Transport Facilities. |
Types - Species wise, Material of construction, Indoor - Outdoor , Classification - Design of the components , Planning the support facilities for operation and Maintenance - Constraints and advantages. |
Basic Concepts - Definition of Biofloc - Natural Feed - Species wise - Facility Design - Material wise, species wise, location wise; Design of the components , Planning the support facilities for operation and Maintenance. Constraints and advantages. |
Developing site specific, species specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - Develop the HACCP for the aquaculture facility - Develop Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP) - Certification Standards for International Export. |
for Broodstock Domestication - Quarantine preprimary and primary, secondary
Maturation Nucleus Breeding Centre Multiplication Centre for Broodstock
Rearing Associated Machineries, infrastructure. |
Visit to the Aquaculture farms, Design Calculation for RAS, Cage and Raceways, Layout design for advanced aquaculture projects, Identify the gaps between customer expectation and the actual services provided at different stages of service delivery: Model GAP, SOP and HACCP. |
1. Timmons MB, Ebeling JM, Wheaton FW, Summer felt ST and Vinci BJ. 2002.Recirculating aquaculture systems (2nd Edition), NRAC publication, USA. 2. Timmons MB and Losordo TM. 1994. Aquaculture Water Reuse Systems: Engineering Design and Management, Elsevier Science, USA. 3. Avnimelech Y. 2015. Biofloc Technology - A Practical Guidebook (3rd Edition), World Aquaculture Society, Louisiana State. |
Rocks - Classification - Stones - characteristics and testing - Clay products - Bricks - properties, classification, manufacturing and testing of bricks. Sand - Sources - Characteristics, grading and bulking of Sand. Timber - qualities and defects. Metals - Ferrous and Non-ferrous - material substitution. |
Lime - types - properties and storage - calcination. Cement - Raw materials - types - manufacture of cement - wet and dry process - Storage. Mortar - types - Concrete - methods of preparation - RCC - advantages. |
Masonry - general principles - Stone, Rubble and Ashlar masonry - Selection - Tools for stone masonry - Brick masonry - Classifications of bonds - English and Flemish bond. |
Foundation - Bearing capacity of soils - foundation requirements- causes of failure - types of foundations. Walls - classification - Painting and distempering - Roofs and Trusses - classification. Floors - types of floor. Dampness - methods of damp proofing. |
Preparation of building plans - PWD schedule of rates - Procedure and methods of estimation - two wall method, four wall method and centre line method - detailed estimate - abstract estimate - data sheet. |
Design of foundation - types of foundation - types of bonds in brick work - sectional elevation of an external wall - types of stone masonry - section showing different components of stone masonry wall - design of lintel - types of roofs - methods of estimate - estimate of a single roomed building, masonry platform, masonry tank, R.C.C. slab, R.C.C. beam and roof truss. |
1. Dutta BN. 2010. Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering (26th Edition), UBS Publication. 2. Chakraborti M. 2006. Estimating, Costing, Specification & Valuation in Civil Engineering, Chakraborti publications, Chennai. |
Thermodynamics - concept - Definition - Laws of Thermodynamics - Heat energy - SI Units - latent heat - sensible heat - specific heat Law of perfect gases - Entropy - Enthalpy - Thermo dynamic process - Thermo dynamic cycles - Flow process - Reversible and irreversible process. Refrigeration - principles - refrigeration effect - coefficient of performance - units of refrigeration co-efficient of performance - Air Refrigeration systems - Ice refrigeration system - application of refrigeration and air conditioning. Vapour compression system - simple vapour compression cycle - T - S diagram - p - h chart. |
Basic vapour compression system - Actual Vapour compression system - Compressors - Condensers - Expansion valves - Evaporators - types and mechanism - Efficiencies of different types. Compressors - classification - Reciprocating - Rotary - and centrifugal types - Advantages and disadvantage. Suction Pressure and delivery pressure calculations - compression ratio - Condensers - Types - classification - Air-cooled & water cooled - Cooling towers - Shell and Tube - evaporative types - forced draft and induced draft condensers - Expansion devices - Types - Capillary tube - manual and automatic, low and high side float valves. |
Refrigerants - Desirable properties of an ideal Refrigerant - classification - Halo Carbon Refrigerants - Azeotrope, organic, Hydro carbon Refrigerants - Thermodynamic properties of Refrigerants - Chemical and Physical properties of refrigerants - Thermal Insulation - Desirable properties of insulation materials - types of insulation material - Heat transfer Capacity of thermal insulation - Cork - wool - Glass wool. Thermocole - Polyurethane foam. |
Introduction to freezing technology - principles of low temperature preservations. - methods for freezing - fundamental aspects - heat units - freezing point depression, eutectic point; freezing rate - Types of Freezers - contact plate freezer - Vertical and Horizontal - Blast freezer - IQF, Spiral - Belt - types - Cryogenic Freezer. Heat load of freezers - Chilling - Chilled Seawater and Refrigerated Seawater systems - Ice manufacturing - mechanism of ice crystal formation - Block ice plant - layout and construction - Flake ice machine - Design and Construction of Cold Stores - Types - Maintenance of cold stores. Defrosting Methods and Safety of Refrigeration systems in freezing industry. |
Application of Refrigeration in sea food processing - characteristics of fish and shellfish; changes in fish after death - spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms - spoilage of fish during chilled storage; use of antibiotics and chemicals. Handling of fresh fish- Freezing of fish; - preparation of fish for freezing. Changes that occur during frozen storage - microbiological, physical and chemical changes - packaging - thawing of frozen fish - methods of thawing. Transportation of frozen fish, cold chain, quality control, - sanitation in processing plants HACCP. |
Solving problems on air-cycle - vapour compression cycle - vapour absorption cycle - experiments on determination of coefficient of performance of refrigeration system using refrigeration tutor, domestic refrigerator, ice plant tutor - experiments on cooling and heating systems - Sanitation and plant housekeeping; chilling and freezing equipment, instruments; packages and product styles; methods of icing fish; cooling rate; preservation by chilled sea water; freezing and thawing curves; freezing of different varieties of fish and shellfish - determination of quality changes during frozen storage - inspection of frozen fishery products; visits to freezing plants |
1. Khurmi RS. 2008. A Text Book of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, S Chand and Company. 2. Rajput RK. 2013. A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, S.K. Kataria and Sons. 3. Arora CP. 2010. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (3rd Edition), McGraw Hill, New Delhi. |
1. Khurmi RS. Refirigeration tables with charts [with molier chart in SI units], S Chand and company Limited. |
Biomass - characterization - Aerobic digestion - biological waste water treatment - activated sludge process - lagoons - oxidation ponds. Anaerobic digestion - microbiology and biochemistry - parameters affecting biogas production - types of biogas plants - family size biogas plants - comparison - operation and maintenance. Biodigested slurry - utilization and enrichment. Biogas appliances - burner - light - dual - fuel engine |
Introduction - classification of fuels - physicochemical characteristics fuel properties of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels - Thermogravimetric analysis. Pyrolysis process - types - Reaction mechanism of pyrolysis - char production. Bio-oil production - chemicals and fuels production. Gasification - chemistry of gasification - types of gasifiers - principles of operation - Factors affecting gasification process. Fluidized bed gasifiers - principle - applications - Gas cleaning methods - materials used for gas cleaning - tar and particulate measurement |
Solar energy - potential - National Solar Mission - Solar energy availability - basics of sun and earth angles. Solar spectrum - definitions - air mass calculations. Concentrating collectors - working principle - types of concentrators - Solar cooker - principle and its operation - types - advantages. Solar water heaters - types and construction details - principle - materials and structure of ETC. Solar dryers - types - principle and application -. Solar still - working principle - thermal efficiency - design parameters - application - Solar pond - working principle - types - applications. Solar PV cell - Utility interactive PV systems scenario. |
Wind - energy source - nature of wind - wind resources assessment and measuring instruments. Components of wind energy conversion system - control mechanisms. Windmills - types - horizontal axis and vertical axis windmills - onshore and offshore wind mills - aerofoils - lift and drag - effect of wind velocity on power and torque. |
Geothermal energy - types - geysers - hot springs - fumaroles - thermal applications - direct heating system-power plants - types. Tidal energy - gravitational effect - types of tides - principle of power generation from tides - power plants. Wave energy - classification - dispersion - physical concepts - wave power formula - wave energy flux. Ocean thermal energy conversion - principle - thermodynamic efficiency - types of cycles - power plant sites - types. Hydrogen, generation, storage, transport and utilization. Fuel cells - technologies - types - power generation - batteries - alkaline batteries - lead-acid, nickel-cadmium and lithium batteries. Nuclear energy - fission and fusion reactions and light water nuclear reactor for power generation - breeder reactor |
Biomass characterization - design of biogas plant for solid and liquid wastes - cost estimation - analysis of biogas - bio digested slurry analysis - design of UASB reactor - compost maturity analysis. Units and conversions - Biomass characteristics - energy contents - Estimation of calorific value of fuels-Bomb calorimeter - Boy‟s / Junker‟s gas calorimeter - Flue gas analysis by Orsat apparatus - gas analyzers - study of briquetting machines. Study of pyrolysis unit using greens apparatus for charcoal production - Testing and evaluation of down draft gasifier and open core gasifier - study of gas cleaning systems - stack gas monitor - gas chromatogragh - visit to an industry with gasification system. Estimation of relationship between basic earth-sun angles - efficiency of solar flat plate collectors and solar cookers - design of solar water heaters and solar driers - determination of efficiency of solar water heater - experiment on solar dryers - visit to solar thermal energy devices manufacturing unit/industry - performance test on solar PV water pumping system - visit to solar thermal/PV power plant. Study on wind data and analysis. - Wind energy conversion calculations - Problems on power available at different heights - wind measuring instruments - visit to meteorological observatory - cost analysis of water pumping windmills - Visit to wind farms - Wind farm economics study on wind energy storage system. |
1. Kothari DP, Singhal KC and Rakesh R. 2011. Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, PHI India Publisher. 2. Rai GD. 2011. Non Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Twidell JW and Weir A. 2006. Renewable Energy Sources, EFN Spon Limited, UK. |
Extension Education - definition, objectives and principles. History and role of fisheries extension, Rural Sociology - definition and scope. Social groups, Social institutions, Social control, social problems and gender issues.Psychology - definition. Educational psychology - definition and scope. Stimulus-Response (S-R) mechanism - Sensation, Perceptionand Attention. Social Psychology - definition and scope. |
Extension teaching methods - definition, individual, group and mass contact methods. AudioVisual aids - definition, classification, purpose, planning and selection. Communication - definition, types, models, elements. Barriers in communication. Program planning - definition, principles, steps in program planning. |
Participatory Approaches - Meaning, History, Scope, Importance, Types. Group Approaches - Meaning, History, Scope, Importance, Types. |
ICT - definition, scope, importance. ICT tools - internet, video and teleconferencing, Interactive Multimedia Compact Disk (IMCD), Mobile phone, Village Knowledge Center (VKC), Information Kiosk, Kisan Call Centre (KCC), Portal, Website, Social media, Decision Support System, e-Extension. |
Diffusion - definition, elements. Innovation - definition, attributes of innovation, Innovation - Decision process. Adoption - definition, steps in adoption process, adopter categories. Consequences of innovation. |
Introduction to Fisheries Act 1897, Assam Fisheries Acts and Rules 1953, Assam Fish Seed Act, 2005 and Assam Fish Seed Rule 2010. |
Study of Fisheries development programs. Exposure to University TOT programs. Survey on social features of a fishing village. Practice on preparation of visual aids, news stories, popular articles. Visit to a newspaper office. Practice on script writing for radio and television. Exposure to ICT tools. Practice on conduct of PRA exercises to identify developmental issues in a fishing village. Interaction with a Fish Farmers Group and conducting a case study. Study on constraints in adoption of fisheries technologies among fishing community and formulation of fishery development plan. |
1. Samanta RK. 1990. Development Communication for Agriculture, DK Publications, London. 2. Robert SP. 2005. Fisheries Co-Management: A Practical Hand Book. CABI online Publication. |
Ship and its main parts; ropes - their types, handling; strength and preservation; knots and splices; types of masts and derricks; measurement of speed; maintenance of log sheet; measurement of depth; anchoring and mooring; steering; rolling and pitching. |
Navigational aids - magnetic compass, gyro compass, sextant, bearing instruments, their construction errors and use. Chart - abbreviations and symbols, type of charts and chart reading. Sounding instruments- lead lines and echo sounder, their principles and use |
Measurement of speed, patent log and electric log, principle and construction. Pilot signals, distress signals and penalty for their misuse, procedure for sending distress signals by radio telephony |
Firefighting and lifesaving appliances to be carried on board a fishing vessel as per F.F.A and L.S.A rules 1978. Their maintenance curriculum, day and night signals for vessel engaged in fishing. Emergency signal, abandon ship signal, Bending setting and taking in life boat sails, management of boats under oars, sails, power and in heavy weather, recovering boats at sea, Beaching or landing. Survival procedure in life-boats and life rafts. The use and care of rocket and line throwing apparatus. |
Manning requirement of fishing vessel. Electronic navigation and communication aids - radar, sonar, Decca, omega, loran etc; Principles of radio transmitter and receiver, direction finder, auto direction finder, V.H.F. radio telephone, DECCA navigator - parts and functioning. Sonar block diagram, functioning; Net sonde- trawl eye- trawl link radar, video, G.P.S. |
Changing from true course to compass and from compass course to true course with or without wind. To find the course to steer time required from and to given positions. To find position reached after steering a given course and speed. To find the position of the vessel by the different methods and to find compass error and deviation by transit bearing of two shore objects. To study different types of knots and bends and their use at the sea. Operation of echo sounder, V.H.F. sonar, satellite navigator, radar, direction finder- preparation of block diagrams. Global positioning system. Chart work; operation of echo sounder, sonar, GPS, Radar and communication systems like VHF, SSB; familiarization with safety devices like SART, EPIRB and GMDSS; identification and study of navigation and fishing lights, distress signals and navigational equipments like compass, chronometer, aneroid barometer, sextant and logs. |
1. Udayaprakasan KC. 2001. Rule of the road -Signal and buoyage, CIFNET Publication, Cochin. 2. Joshy CD and Devadhason M. 2001. Basic Electronic and Fish Finding Equipments, CIFNET Publication, Cochin. |
Definition of food safety and concept of safe food; characterization of food hazards - physical, chemical and biological; adulteration, filth, plastics, pesticides, heavy metals; Changes due to food processing, trans fatty acids, pyrolytic and thermal decomposition products, urethane, mycotoxins, scrombotoxin, migration, cross - contamination, nitrates and related products, sulfites, phenolic antioxidants, non-nutritive sweeteners, colour additives, fat substitutes, chemical preservatives, veterinary drugs and antibiotics. |
HACCP, GMP; Surveillance networks, Consumer and food service operator education, function and roles of USFDA, USDA and EPA; Food Safety and Standards Act India 2006; Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, India, 1954; Responsibilities of the Food service operator, consumer protection, food audit. |
Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality - Dimensions of manufacturing and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - Definition of TQM - TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby - Barriers to TQM Leadership - Strategic quality planning, Quality statements - Customer focus - Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction, Customer complaints, Customer retention - Employee involvement - Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal - Continuous process improvement - PDSA cycle, 5s, Kaizen - Supplier partnership - Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating. |
The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six-sigma: Concepts, methodology, applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark, Bench marking process - FMEA - Stages, Types Quality circles - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - Taguchi quality loss function - TPM - Concepts, improvement needs - Cost of Quality - Performance measures. |
Need for ISO 9000 - ISO 9000-2000 Quality System - Elements, Documentation, Quality auditing - QS 9000 - ISO 14000 - Concepts, Requirements and Benefits - Case studies of TQM implementation in food and fish processing industry |
Organoleptic evaluation of fresh and processed food- Identification of physical hazards fresh and processed food in selected food processing units and their control measures Identification of chemical hazards in fresh and processed food in selected food processing units and their control measures -Identification of biological hazards in fresh and processed food in selected food- processing units and their control measures - Determination of Filth in fresh and frozen food - Determination of plastic materials in food and food products - Determination of global migration rate from plastic packaging materials into food - Visit to food processing units and study of HACCP implementation - Identification of CCP in fish processing plants for selected process (freezing, canning, pasteurization etc.,) - Development of HACCP plan for selected fish product - Visit to FSSAI office to study their role and functions in monitoring and regulation- Visit to Export inspection agency and study their role and activities in export of food and food products - Visit to Agriculture Products Export Development Authority- Visit to Marine Products Export Development Authority to study the details about the assistance provided in the fish processing industry and their role in Quality control - Visit to Food processing units and study of ISO 9000 system and its implementation -Visit to Food processing units and study of ISO 14000 system and its implementation - Visit to food processing units and study TQM implementation |
1. Poornimacharantimath.2009. Total Quality Management, Dorling Kindersley, Publishers South Asia Limited. 2. Pearson AM and Dutson TR. 1995. HACCP in meat, poultry and fish processing, Springer publishing Company, New York. 3. Sohrab. 2001. Integrated ISO 9001 HACCP for food processing industries, Allied publishers Limited, Mumbai. |
Linear programming - introduction - problem formulation - graphical method - limitations - general linear programming problem (LPP) - canonical and standard forms of LPP - simplex method - computational procedure - artificial variable technique - big M - method. |
Transportation problem - mathematical form of TPP - methods of finding initial basic feasible solutions - north west corner rule - row minimum - column minimum - matrix minimum - Vogel‟s approximation method (VAM) - optimal solution - modified distribution method (MODI method) - mathematical form - Hungarian method. |
Introduction - network and basic components - construction and time calculation in network - critical path method (CPM) - program evaluation and review technique (PERT) calculation - advantages in network. |
Introduction - Replacement of Equipment/ Assert that deteriorates gradually - replacement policy when value of money does not change with time (continuous and discrete)replacement policy when value of money changes with time-replacement of equipment that fails suddenly. |
Inventory control - selective control techniques - economic lot size problems - (economic ordinary quantity) EOQ with and without shortage - EOQ problems with price Breaks - inventory control techniques - uncertain demand and stochastic problems. |
Problems in Formulation of Linear programming Problem - Graphical method - Simplex Method - Big M - Method. Transportation Problem - North West - Corner Rule. Row Minimum - Column Minimum - Matrix Minimum - Vogel‟s Approximation Method (VAM) - Optimal Solution - Modified distribution Method (MODI Method). Assignment Problem - Hungarian Method. Construction of Network and time calculation in network. Critical Path Method (CPM). Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) calculation. Problems in replacement policy when value of money does not change with time (continuous and discrete) - replacement policy when value of money changes with time - replacement of equipment that fails suddenly. Problems in Inventory model - selective control techniques - economic lot size problems - problem of EOQ with and without shortage - EOQ problems with price Breaks - Inventory control techniques - uncertain demand and stochastic problems. |
1. Kanti S, Gupta PK and Manmohan. 2001. Operation Research (9th Edition), Sultan Chand and Sons. |
Concept of Industrial Engineering - Role of Industrial Engineering - Application - Organization - Management - Role of managers - Evolution of Management thought - Organization - elements and principles - types - organization chart - departmentation - Authority - Delegation of authority. |
Nature and purpose of planning - Planning process - Types of plans - Objectives - product planning - Process planning - Decision Making - Types of decision - Decision Making Process - Rational Decision Making Process - theory - techniques - Decision Making under different conditions - decision theory - cost analysis. |
Concepts and factors governing - types of layout - plant layout procedure - Staffing - Selection and Recruitment - Orientation - Career Development - Career stages - Training - Performance Appraisal. Wage Payment - Methods of calculation - types of labour laws - types of taxes. |
Definition and concept - objective and advantage of work study - objective of work measurement - man machine chart - Flow diagram - Operational analysis - P.E.R.T - C.P.M - application - Replacement analysis - Factors for replacement analysis - Methods. |
Process of controlling - Types of control - Budgetary and non - budgetary control techniques - production control - routing and scheduling - dispatching - Cost Control - Purchase Control - Maintenance Control - Quality Control - Planning operations. Materials Management - Control charts and their applications. |
Accidents and Safety - effects of accidents and safety procedures – Environmental Management - various management techniques for control of environmental pollution; pollution control acts - Noise and its control. |
Study of organization structure of the college and university , Study of various records in an organization , Problems on time-motion study, Problems on selection of plant location, Preparation of schedule for a fish processing Industry, Problems on EOQ, Problems on wage calculation, Problems on CPM, Problems on PERT, Problems on Break-even analysis, Preparation of control charts, Problems on replacement analysis - I, Problems on replacement analysis - II Study on factory buildings, Visit to a service organization, Visit to a production organization, Practical Examinations. |
1. Khanna,OP. 1980. Industrial Engineering and management, Dhanpat Rai Publications. 2. Ravi V. 2015. Industrial Engineering and Management, PHI Learning (P) Limited, New Delhi. 3. Patil SB. 2008. Industrial Engineering and Management, Technical Publications. |
Components - water, air and land - inter - relationship between components - Subcomponents; ecosystem - structure and functional components of ecosystem - development and evolution of ecosystem - energy flow and material cycling in ecosystem. Natural and manmade impacts on aquatic ecosystems, environment and development - concept of sustainable development - saline and alkaline soil - remedial measures |
Current environmental issues in aquatic ecosystems, municipal sewage and solid waste, hazardous waste and biomedical waste management in water bodies - industrial, fish and shrimp farm , salt pan effluents and agricultural waste and effluent discharge and management aspects in aquatic systems - various pollution and its impact on diversity of aquatic systems. |
Waste water characteristics of fish processing industries and aquacultural systems. management, minimization and utilization of waste water from fish processing industries and Aquacultural systems - thermal power plant effluent discharge and engineering measures to reduce impact on aquatic ecosystems - clean technology options, Sensors for continuous environmental monitoring of water bodies. Design and construction of wet lands for bioremediation of waste water from Aquacultural systems- Design of primary, secondary and tertiary treatment systems for fish processing and aqua industries. |
Current regulations in wastewater management in India, Environmental Impact Assessment of manmade structures on the biodiversity of aquatic systems - methodology and reporting of results for marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystem. |
Development of Environmental management systems: Environmental Issues for fisheries industry. Environment Management in Fisheries, Policy planning and implementation. Natural and Man-Made Disaster and their Impact on Environment, effect to migrate disaster at national and global level, concept of disaster management, National disaster management framework. |
Design and construction of Effluent Treatment Units, Modeling of biological filters, Trickling filters, sand filters. Visit to fish processing unit effluent treatment units, Aquaculture effluent treatment units and domestic effluent treatment units.EIA methodology, Studying and analysis of EIA Project reports. |
1. Kulkarni V and Ramachandra TV. 2009. Environmental Management, TERI Press, New Delhi. 2. Gilbert MM. 2004. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science (2nd Edition), Pearson Education. 3. Hammer J, Mark and Hammer Jr Mark. 2008. Water and Waste Water Technology, Prentice Hall of India (P) Limited, New Delhi. 4. Ramachandra TV. 2009. Soil and Ground Water Pollution from Agricultural Activities, TERI Press, New Delhi. 5. Canter RL. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill Inc, New Delhi. |
Aerial Photography - Relief displacement. Photogrammetry - Stereoscopy - principal points- parallax and its measurement. Colo- Composite colour images. Remote Sensing - Electromagnetic Spectrum- Radiation laws- Interaction with atmosphere and surfaces, spectral reflectance of earth materials and vegetation. Satellite Remote Sensing- Resolution - Scanning - Sensors, Land Observation Satellites - Visual image interpretation. |
Digital image processing, Image rectification and Image enhancement - Filtering - band ratioing, Image classification - supervised & unsupervised classification, Remote sensing application in soil & water conservation. |
GIS - types - raster - vector, Data base management systems - RDBMS, Data types - spatial - non-spatial, Spatial data models, Spatial referencing, Map projections, Data input, Editing, Encoding, Raster data analysis, Vector data analysis. |
Digital Elevation model, Cost and path analysis, Types of output & Presentation, Types of errors - elimination and accuracies, GIS applications in DEM and its analysis, watershed analysis, runoff modeling, soil erosion modeling |
Environmental satellites - The Landsat series, NOAA and IRS; Digital image processing and interpretation. Elements of GIS, Application of remote sensing and GIS to fisheries and aquaculture planning and development. |
Study of satellite information, interpretation of satellite pictures for resource management, case studies on remote sensing and GIS applications. |
1. Bhatia B. 2008. Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford university Press, New Delhi. 2. Kumar S. 2005. Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS, Firewell Medi, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi. 3. Josef G. 2005. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Universities Press (P) Limited, Hyderabad. |
Otto, Diesel, Dual, Brayton cycles, Calculation of mean effective pressure, and air standard efficiency - Comparison of cycles. IC Engines - Types - Components - two stroke & Four stroke cycle engines - valve timing diagrams - petrol and diesel engines. IMEP, IHP, BHP - Mechanical efficiency - Brake Thermal Efficiency - Volumetric efficiency - heat balance sheet and Sankey diagram - Testing of IC engines-rope brake, prony brake, hydraulic and electrical dynamometers - mechanical efficiency. Heat balance and Sankey diagrams for IC engines |
Constructional Details of I.C. Engines and Marine Diesel Engines: Components: Jackets and Liners, Cylinder heads and fittings, Pistons, Cross heads, Connecting rods, Crank shaft, bearings, Bed Plates, A - frames, Welded construction for Bedplates & frames and Tie rods etc. Cooling of I.C. Engines: Various Cooling media, their merits and demerits, cooling of Pistons, cylinder jackets & cylinder heads, Bore cooling, coolant conveying mechanism and systems, maintenance of coolant and cooling system, Cooling Water: Testing and Treatment. Maintenance of fishing vessels, Marine engine system, Engine cooling system, Fuelling system and Painting. Scavenging arrangements in 2 - stroke engines; Air charging and exhausting in 4 - stroke engines; Various types of scavenging in 2 - stroke engines; Uniflow, loop and cross flow scavenging, their merits and demerits, Scavenge pumps for normally aspirated engines, under piston scavenging, Scavenge manifolds. Supercharging arrangements: Pulse and constant pressure type; merits and demerits in highly rated marine propulsion engines. Air movements inside the cylinders. Turbocharger and its details |
Layout of main and auxiliary machinery in Engine Rooms in different ships. Steam Boilers – Components – Mountings – Water Tube & Fire Tube Boilers. Engine Room Piping Arrangements & Fittings: Steam and condensate system, water hammering in pipes, Expansion joints in pipelines, Bilge - ballast, fuel oil bunkering and transfer system, bunkering procedure, precautions taken, fuel oil service system to main and auxiliary engines, lubricating oil and Engine cooling system to main and auxiliary engines, central cooling and central priming systems, Air compressors – Working Principle – Reciprocating Compressors – Single & Multi Stage Compressors, control and service air system, domestic fresh water and sea water (Hydrophore) service system, drinking water system, fire main system. |
Types of pumps for various requirements - their characteristics, performance and application in ships - centrifugal pumps - gear pumps - screw pumps and reciprocating pumps - care and maintenance of pumps. Propulsion system - Combinations of engine, transmission and propeller; Function of main engine, friction, clutch, hydraulic coupling, gearbox, thrust; bearing, shafting, propeller. Hydraulic Telemotor system (Transmitter and receiver), Bypass valve - charging system, - hydraulic power unit - hunting gear heleshaw pump principle, construction and operation - pawl and ratchet mechanism, 2 - ram and 4 - ram steering gear - All - electric steering gear, principle and operation - Hunting gear and emergency steering gear. Electro - hydraulic steering gear, Raphson and slide Actuators, Rotary vane steering gear - principle - construction - operation - safety features, relief, isolating and bypass valves, steering system regulations and testing - trouble shooting - rectification maintenance. Navigational safety of a ship - case history, cause and /or errors - how to avoid rudder restraining, general requirements - requirements for large tankers and gas carrier, additional requirements (electrical) definitions - controls - automatic system, general arrangement - rudder and pintle, rudder wear down - rudder carrier. |
Auxiliary machinery systems - Requirements of a winch, windlass, line and net hauler – estimation of their driving torque and power; Operation of a hydraulic steering gear; Rudder torque. Dry docking procedure - preparation before docking and undocking - preparation of defect list - safety procedure for entering and working in confined spaces / welding / cleaning etc |
Study of diesel and petrol engines-Determination of performance of IC engines- Problems on IC engine performance. Study of Engine parts, engine testing, dissembling and assembling a running condition marine engine; study of marine diesel engines, fuel consumption testing with load; Propeller calculations using the computers; calculations related to engine power. |
1. Rajput RK. 2000. Thermal Engineering, S. Chand Publishers. 2. Kothandaraman CP, Domkundwar S and Domkundwar AV. 2002. A Course in Thermal Engineering (5th Edition), Dhanpat Rai and sons. 3. Ganesan V. 2007. Internal Combustion Engines (3rd Edition) - Volume I and II, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi. 4. Rethinadhas C. Marine Engineering. Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training publications, Cochin. 5. Taylor DA. 2001. Introduction to Marine Engineering, Butterworth Heinemann publishers, London. 6. Sanyal DK. Principles and Practice of Marine Diesel Engines, Bhandakar Publications, Mumbai. |
Introduction to sea safety-Safe navigation procedures for fishing vessels; Distress signals; marine communication equipments for sea safety; Lifesaving appliances - lifebuoy, lifejacket, liferaft, EPIRB etc., Signals for fishing vessel safety; agencies involved in fishing vessel rescue operations; Fire fighting and first aid at sea |
Weather warning signals and weather reporting system for fishing vessels; Bad weather preparations for fishing vessels; Stranding and beaching of fishing vessels and refloatation procedures; Measures to enhance sea safety. |
International conventions related to sea safety; Preparedness for disasters at sea. Basic concepts: Hazard, risk, vulnerability, disaster, capacity building. Multi-hazard and disaster vulnerability of India. Types of natural and manmade hazards in fisheries and aquaculture - cyclones, floods, droughts, tsunami, El-nino, algal blooms, avalanches, pollution, habitat destruction, over fishing, introduction of exotic species, landslides, epidemics, loss of bio-diversity etc. Causes, characteristics and impact of various disasters. |
Management strategies: pre-disaster, during disaster and post-disaster. Pre-disaster: prevention, preparedness and mitigation; different ways of detecting and predicting disasters; early warning, communication and dissemination, community based disaster preparedness, structural and non-structural mitigation measures. During disaster: response and recovery systems at national, state and local, coordination between different agencies, international best practices |
Post-disaster: Methods for assessment of initial and long term damages, reconstruction and rehabilitation. Prevalent national and global management practices in disaster management. Agencies involved in monitoring and early warnings at district, state, national and global level. Sea safety and health. |
Methods for assessment of initial and long term damages. Preparedness in pre, during and post disasters. Acquaintance with fire - fighting devices. Lifesaving appliances and first-aid. Operation and usage of communication channels and media. Uses of distress signals and technologies. Relief and rehabilitation measures, trauma counseling. Field visits and case studies. Group discussion. |
1. Bist. 2000. Safety and security at sea a guide to safer voyages, Butterworth, New Delhi. 2. FAO. 1975. Code of Safety for Fisherman and Fishing Vessels, International Maritime Organization, London. |
Definition of economics - nature and scope of economics - basic terms and concepts - goods - utility - value - wealth - consumption - wants - its characteristics and classification - factors of production and it features. |
Demand - demand schedule - demand curve - law of demand - elasticity of demand - types of elasticity - factors determining elasticity - measurement - its significance - supply - supply schedule - supply curve - law of supply - elasticity of supply - time element in the determination of value - market price and normal price - perfect competition - monopoly - monopolistic competition. |
Cost concepts - fixed Cost - variable cost - marginal cost - cost output relationship in the short run and in long run. Break even analysis - basic assumptions - breakeven chart - managerial uses of break even analysis. Pricing practice - full cost pricing - marginal cost pricing - going rate pricing - bid pricing - pricing for a rate of return. |
Definition, marketing process, dynamics, needs, wants and demands, marketing concepts, environment, mix, types. Philosophies, selling versus marketing, organizations, industrial versus consumer marketing, consumer goods, industrial goods, product hierarchy. Cultural, demographic factors, motives, types, buying decisions, segmentation factors - demographic - Psycho graphic and geographic segmentation, process, patterns. Components of marketing plan - strategy formulations and the marketing process - product portfolio - branding - brand promotion. Pricing - decisions and pricing methods, pricing management. Introduction, uses, process of marketing research - market intelligence. Characteristics, impact, goals, types, and sales promotions - point of purchase - unique selling proposition. Characteristics, wholesaling, retailing, International marketing, channel design, logistics, and modern trends in retailing - export promotion - role of MPEDA. |
Forms of business - proprietorship - partnership - joint stock company - cooperative organization state enterprise - money and banking - banking - kinds - commercial banks - central banking functions - control of credit - monetary policy - credit instrument. Types of financing - short term borrowing - long term borrowing - internal generation of funds - external commercial borrowings - Assistance from government budgeting support and international finance corporations - capital structure - working capital management |
Working cost/ returns - depreciation - break even analysis - capital budgeting - discounted measures - IRR, NPV & BCR. Balance sheet - profit/loss assessment - estimation of cost budget - financial efficiency measure - market survey - marketing efficiency measures - study of market potential - visits to commercial bank and fish processing unit. |
Process Flow - Machinery Selection - Identification of the supporting accessories and Material Handling System - Plant design and lay out for Chilling and Freezing Plants for raw fishery products: Chilled fish packing and transportation unit, Bulk freezing - Air blast freezing, IQF freezing line, Surimi Production - Design of ice flaking machineries - estimation of cooling load for freezing fish. |
Plant design and lay out for different types of cannery and processed fishery products - Design of retort -Tuna cannery, Sardine cannery, Seer fish cannery, Shrimp canning line, Caviar processing unit Crab meat canning line, Mussel/clam canning line, Fish/prawn pickle preparation line, Pasteurized crab meat processing line - Design of equipments for cleaning, grading, deskinning, heading and cutting machine. |
Plant design and lay out for Smoked fillet production, Dry fish preparation, Salted fish production line, Design of driers ,Masmin production. Design of batch type and continuous smoking chambers - fish portioning and filleting machine |
Feed Manufacture: Feed formulation and processing, Design of fish feed extruder On-farm feed manufacture, Commercial feed manufacture-,Process. Flow - Machinery Selection - Identification of the supporting accessories and Material Handling System - Plant design and layout. Feed storage. Feeding Practices: Supplementary feed - theory and practice, complete diet - theory and practice, Feeding methods and scheduling, ration size, feed performance and economics |
Bleeding and chilling equipment- Gutting, cleaning and Descaling equipment - deskinning equipment - heading equipment- splitting equipment - filleting equipment - trimming - pin bone removing equipment - Dark meat removing equipment - pre processing equipment- processing equipment- storage equipment |
Study of various types of fish processing machineries; calculation of power requirements. Preparation of process flow, Details of Machineries, Preparation of lay outs, etc. Design and drawing of ice flaking machineries, cleaning, grading, deskinning, heading and cutting machine, Smoking chambers, fish portioning and filleting machine, deboning equipments and mincers. |
1. Jowitt R. 1980. Hygienic Design and Operation of Food Plant, AVI publishing company, New York. 2. Rahman S and Ahmed J. 2012. Handbook of Food Process Design, John Wiley and Sons, USA. 3. Chupakhim V and Dormenko V. 1985. Fish Processing Equipments, MIR Publishers, Muscow, Russia. 4. Heid JL and Joslyn MA. 1980. Food Processing Operations, AVI publishing company, New York. 5. Slade FH. 1997. Food Processing Plants, Leonard Hill book Limited, London. |
Introduction - Need for packaging, current status of different packaging material use, package requirements, package functions, labeling laws - Environmental aspects of food packaging. Package materials: classification packages, paper, glass, plastic as package material, its manufacture, types, advantages and disadvantages- Metals as packaging material, can making process, different types of containers used for seafood canning, lacquers AR and SR lacquers. |
Packaging requirements for cured fish products, Different packaging materials used for cured and pickled fish products, Advantages and disadvantages - Chilled fish packaging requirements, Post facto analysis - Controlled atmospheric packaging, modified atmospheric packaging, vacuum packaging, theory and uses - Packaging materials used for frozen seafood, specifications and standards - Edible packaging materials for fish - Retortable pouches, properties, advantages and disadvantages - Aseptic packaging line, essential components and application - Automatic solid and liquid food packaging, form - fill and seal systems, mechanisms, uses. |
Mechanical and functional tests on package - Various mechanical and functional tests performed in laboratories on package boxes, cans, films and other package materials- Can seaming evaluation - Standard specifications for different types of packaging materials. |
Ideal containers for fish handling, transport and storage, design, material of construction, advantages and disadvantages - Insulated containers, calculation of load - Refrigerated vehicles for fish transport, - Chilled storage, design, construction, physical parameters and technical parameters - Pallets, types and material of construction - Fish meal storage considerations - Material handling inside fish processing plant using different types of trucks - Cold storage, types, design and maintenance. |
Importance of storage - Effect of moisture content on shelf life of the fishery products- Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Storage. Cold Storage- construction, design, prefabricated systems. Freezer storage, pre-cooling and pre freezing. Cold storage practice, stacking and handling of materials, optimum temperatures for foods. Storages- operation and maintenance. Hygienic design considerations for chillers and chilled Storages |
Classification of various packages based on material and rigidity - Evaluation of mechanical and functional quality of paper, paper boards, plastic film - Thickness, basis weight, grammage, water absorption, bursting strength, tear, grease resistance, puncture resistance, tensile strength-Determination of gas transmission rate of package films - WVTR and OTR of films - Can seaming efficiency testing - MAP and VP of fish - Visit to cold storage and processing plant - Visit to paper/plastic processing unit - Visit to packaging equipment manufacturing unit. |
1. Gopakumar K. 1993. Fish Packaging Technology - Materials and Methods, Concept Publishing company, New Delhi. 2. Jacob J. 2010. A Hand book on Food packaging, Daya publishing House, New Delhi. |
Basics of Harbour and Ports - Types commercial - fishing Harbours - landing centers - Characteristic features and their Components - Shore side facilities and sea side facilities of a typical Harbour - Site selection for the construction of Harbour - Site Survey - Physical, Chemical and biological considerations - Instruments used for survey - Topography - wave dynamics - Tide characteristics low and high tide consideration - current pattern and layout of Harbours - Breakwaters. |
Design and Layout of different types of Harbours - Materials used for construction of Harbours - Design and construction of Quays, jetties and slipways - Construction of seaside and land side facilities of a typical Harbour - Concrete mix - Timber - iron used for harbour construction - corrosion control - vessel mooring structures - Bollard design and construction - Auction Hall - Fish landing area - Bunkers - Cold Storage and chill storage - Vehicle shed - workers amenities - design and construction - Communication and Navigational signaling stations - Boat servicing and Maintenance facilities Dry docking - ship way arrangements - waste disposal arrangements - Pilling and types of Piles used for HarbourDesign of Lock gates for Dry docking |
Functions of different types of ports and Harbours - System, operational and functions of different ports and Harbour port authorities and Management bodies. Registration and legal formalities of every Vessel - Registration Societies - Registration and monitoring authorities for fishing vessels - Dredging - Maintenance of Harbours and Ports - Maintenance of fishing Harbour - Pollution and Hazard free Management strategies - Safety of Harbour and Port - MARPOL Protocols |
Types of fishing vessel - Rules and regulation for fishing vessels - Construction and operational regulations - Dredging - volume estimates - Techniques of dredging - grabbing, dragline, pumping suction, blasting, etc. - disposal of dredging materials - Navigational aids - Fenders - Steel cradles - Wire ropes - Marine buoys - Turning basin - Water facilities and drainage - Sewage treatment - monitoring the standards - waste disposal - Biological, electrical, plastic, netting, waste disposals - disposal of waste from fishing boats - Bilge water. Dredging machines and equipments Cranes and lifting mechanism used in Harbours |
Manning Regulation for Fishing Vessels - Personnel Management - Financial Management of Vessels - Voyage Planning and Execution - Pre-sailing checks and Inspection of vessels - Mechanical and electrical checks - Fire Fighting, Lifesaving appliances - Navigation and transmission equipment - Propulsion equipment - fuel, water etc. - Work distribution for crew members - Licensing and Registration. |
Field visit to study the different harbours and its facilities - Field visit to Dry Docking facilities.Study the infrastructure facilities in the small, medium and large fishing harbours - Field visit to Fishing Companies to study the fleet management |
1. Sreekrishna Y and Shenoy Latha. 2001. Fishing Gear and Craft Technology, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. |
Ordinary Differential Equation: Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients – Method of variation of parameters. Partial Differential Equation: Formation of partial differential equations by elimination of arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions - Solution of standard types of first order partial differential equations - Lagrange's linear equation - Linear partial differential equations of second order with constant coefficients.
Dirichlet's conditions - General Fourier series - Odd and even functions - Half range sine series - Half range cosine series - Complex form of Fourier Series - Parseval's identify - Harmonic Analysis.
Fourier integral theorem (without proof) - Fourier Transforms: Sine and Cosine transforms - Properties - Transforms of simple functions - Convolution theorem - Parseval's identity.
Laplace Transform – Elementary properties, Properties of Laplace transforms - Transforms of Periodic functions - evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms. Inverse transforms - Other methods of finding inverse transforms - Convolution theorem - Application to differential equations using Laplace transform.
Z-transform - Elementary properties - Inverse Z - transform - Convolution theorem Formation of difference equations - Solution of difference equations using Z - transform.
Ordinary Differential Equation: Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients – Method of variation of parameters. Partial Differential Equation: Solution of standard types of first order partial differential equations, Lagrange's linear equation, linear partial differential equations of second order with constant coefficients. Fourier series - Complex form of Fourier series - Parseval's identify - Harmonic Analysis. Fourier Transforms, Convolution theorem, Parseval's identity. Laplace Transform: Properties of Laplace transforms, Transforms of Periodic functions, evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms. Inverse transforms, Convolution theorem, Application to differential equations using Laplace transform. Z-transform: Elementary properties, Inverse Z – transform, Convolution theorem, solution of difference equations using Z - transform.
1. Grewal BS. 2007. Higher Engineering Mathematics (40th Edition), Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 2. Kreyzig E. 2007. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th Edition), John Wiley & Sons (Asia) (P) Limited, Singapore.
Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations - Fixed point iteration method – Newton Raphson method- Solution of linear system of equations - Gauss elimination method – Gauss Jordan method – Iterative methods of Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel - Matrix Inversion by Gauss Jordan method - Eigen values of a matrix by Power method.
Interpolation with unequal intervals - Lagrange's interpolation – Newton‟s divided difference interpolation – Cubic Splines - Interpolation with equal intervals - Newton‟s forward and backward difference formulae.
Approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials - Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson‟s (both 1/3rd and 3/8th) rule – Romberg‟s method - Two point and three point Gaussian Quadrature formulae.
Single Step methods: Taylor‟s series method - Euler‟s method - Modified Euler‟s method - Fourth order Runge-Kutta method for solving first order equations - Multi step methods: Milne‟s and Adams- Bash forth predictor corrector methods for solving first order equations.
Finite difference methods for solving two-point linear boundary value problems – One dimensional heat flow equation by explicit and implicit (Crank Nicholson) methods – One dimensional wave equation by explicit method - Finite difference techniques for the solution of two dimensional Laplace‟s and Poisson‟s equations on rectangular domain.
Solution of linear system of equations, Eigen values of a matrix by Power method. Interpolation with unequal intervals - Lagrange's interpolation, Newton‟s divided difference interpolation, Interpolation with equal intervals, Newton‟s forward and backward difference formulae. Approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials, Numerical integration using Romberg‟s method, Two point and three point Gaussian Quadrature formulae. Single Step methods: Taylor‟s series method, Euler‟s method, Modified Euler‟s method, Fourth order Runge-Kutta method for solving first order equations; Multi step methods: Milne‟s and Adams- Bash forth predictor corrector methods for solving first order equations. , One dimensional heat flow equation by explicit and implicit (Crank Nicholson) methods, one dimensional wave equation by explicit method, Finite difference techniques for the solution of two dimensional Laplace‟s and Poisson‟s equations on rectangular domain.
1. Grewal BS and Grewal JS. 2004. Numerical methods in Engineering and Science (6th Edition), Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Jain MK, Iyengar SRK and Jain RK, 1995. Numerical Methods for Engineering and Scientific Computation (3rd Edition), New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi.
INTRODUCTION AND BASIC COMPONENTS OF NSS ORIENTATION : History, objectives, principles, symbol, badge; regular programmes under
NSS, organizational structure of NSS, code of conduct for NSS volunteers,
points to be considered by NSS volunteers awareness about health.
Properties of fluids - definition - units of measurement - mass density - specific weight, specific volume - specific gravity equation of state - perfect gas - viscosity - vapour pressure - compressibility and elasticity surface tension - capillarity. Fluid pressure and measurement - simple, differential and micro manometers - Mechanical gages - calibration. Hydrostatic forces on surfaces - total pressure and centre of pressure - Horizontal - vertical and inclined plane surface - Pressure diagram - total pressure on curved surface. Archimedes principles - buoyancy - meta centre - metacentric height. |
Types of fluid flow - velocity and acceleration of a fluid particle - Rotational - irrotational - circulation and vorticity - Flow pattern - stream line - equipotential line - stream tube - path line - steak line - flow net - velocity potential - stream function. Principles of conservation of mass - energy - momentum - continuity equation in Cartesian co-ordinates - Euler's equation of motion. |
Bernoulli's equation - applications - Venturimeter - orifice meters - nozzle meter - rotameter - elbow meter - pitot tube - Orifice - sharp edged orifice discharging free - submerged orifice - mouth piece - Flow through orifice under variable head - time of emptying a tank with and without inflow. Flow through pipes - laminar and turbulent flow in pipes - Reynold's experiment - Darcy - Weisbach equation for friction head loss - Chezy's formula - Manning's formula - Hazen-William‟s formula - Major and minor losses in pipes - hydraulic gradient line - energy gradient line. Siphon - water hammer in pipes - gradual and sudden closure of values |
Types of flow in channel - uniform flow - most economical section of channel - rectangular - trapezoidal. Specific energy and critical depth - momentum in open channel flow - specific force - critical flow - computation. Flow measurement in channels - notches - rectangular, Cippollette and triangular - float method - Flow measurement in rivers/ streams/ canals - weirs - free and submerged flow - current meter - Parshall flume. |
Dimensional analysis - concept of geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity. Important non-dimensional numbers - Reynolds, Froude, Euler, Mach and Weber. Pump terminology - suction lift, suction head, delivery head, discharge, water horse power - selection of pump capacity. Centrifugal pumps - components - working - types of pumps and impellers - Priming - cavitation - specific speed - characteristics curves. Turbine and submersible pumps - Jet pump - jet assembly - Other pumps - Air lift pump - reciprocating pump - sludge pump and vacuum pump - Hydraulic ram |
Problems on properties of fluid - Pressure measurement - hydrostatic forces - kinematics of flow - continuity equation - tank emptying - Measurement of head loss in pipe lines and pipe fittings - Flow measurement in pipes with venturi meter & orifice meter - Flow measurement in channels - most economical channel section - Design of channel - Dimensional Analysis - Study on performance of centrifugal pumps - mono-block pump - reciprocating |
1. Modi PN and Seth SM. 2003. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines, Standard Book House, New Delhi. 2. Ramamirtham S. 2001. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics and Fluid Machines, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi. 3. Bansal RK. 2008. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines (5th Edition), Laxmi publications (P) Limited, New Delhi. 4. Subramanya K. 2000. Flow in open channels, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. |