"Harnessing the Science of Fisheries for Food, Nutrition and Livelihood"

Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture

Latest News:

Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture (DSA)

Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, when came into being in 20L2, conducted series of Stakeholders' Meetings and Expeft Consultation Meeting to chart out the distinctive areas for research, extension and streamlining the academic programmes in the University. Based on the deliberations on enhancing aquaculture production in the State, a separate Directorate was felt essential and therefore, Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture was created. This Directorate was born on 01.01.2016 with the appointment of Director for the Centre. Later based on the significance of the Directorate for the effective role in the development of Sustainable Aquaculture in the State through research and extension programmes in different Centres under its fold, it has been renamed as "Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture"

Mandates of the Directorate:

The Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture was having its head quafters at TNFU, Nagapattinam till April 2017 and later it was shifted to Thanjavur for effective coordination of the activities in all the Centres for Sustainable Aquaculture under its control. Presently the Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture is situated in Pattukkottai Road, Soorakkotai in Thanjavur. The Directorate has the following mandates:

  • To develop and run the production centres at outstations of the University for the benefit of conducting research and experiential learning of the students.
  • To propose and establish new stations with focus on economically impoftant species for the development of culture technology for adoption.
  • To establish and run the farms in the strategic locations and forming platforms for the students and staff research
  • To transfer the viable technologies through demonstration and training to the stakeholders.

Faculty in the Centre


Dr. Cheryl Antony
Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture, In-charge

Plans for Future

During the past four year (2016 to 2020), the Directorate has grown with 7 stations and regular and suppofting staff. Along with the students presence for their research, this Directorate has reached the stage of single largest Directorate of this University. With devoted staff and their dedicated works, the Directorate has charted plans to accomplish in the coming days.

In addition to the existing stations, it has been proposed to establish separate units for shrimp farming, fish farming, seaweed farming, innovative aquaculture Centres, live-food production and larval feed production Centres and native species breeding and protection of biodiversity in the State. The facilities existing and to be created are focused towards the students' research and learning.

Aquaculture Technology Batch II

Aquaculture Technology Training Batch I


Thanjavur TNIAMP Trainng

Thanjavur TNIAMP Training

Fisheries Day


Valdiction program

Contact Details:

Dr. Cheryl Antony

Directorate of Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Pattukottai Road,
Soorakkottai, Thanjavur – 614 904.