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Department of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management


The Department of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management started functioning since the inception of the Fisheries College and Research Institute during 1977 and is one of the pioneering and basic units of the Institute. Presently, the department has been functioning with the following goals to offer Fisheries Biology and Resource Management courses for B.F.Sc, M.F.Sc. and Ph.Dprogrammes, to undertake research on Fisheries Biology and Resource Management and to organize training and awareness programmes on Fisheries Biology and Resource Management.


  • To offer Fisheries Biology and Resource Management courses for B.F.Sc, M.F.Sc. and Ph.Dprogrammes
  • To study the biodiversity and biology of threatened and commercially important finfish and shellfishes of Tamilnadu
  • To undertake research on stock assessment and management of threatened and commercially important finfish and shellfishes of Tamilnadu
  • To undertake research on the reproductive endocrinology of threatened and commercially important finfish and shell fishes of Tamilnadu
  • To organize training and awareness programmes on Fisheries Biology and Resource Management


Details of courses offered by the department.
Sl.No Course No Course Title Credit Load
1 FS-102 Taxonomy of Finfish 3(1+2)
2 FS-103 Taxonomy of Shellfish 2(1+1)
3 FS-112 Anatomy and Biology of Finfish 3(2+1)
4 FS-115 Inland Fisheries 3(2+1)
5 FS-201 Physiology of Finfish and Shellfish 3(2+1)
6 FS-302 Anatomy and Biology of Shellfish 2(1+1)
7 FS-305 Marine Fisheries 3(2+1)
8 FS-308 Fish Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment 3(2+1)
Total 22(13+9)
Details of Courses

The department offered four courses for the common Master degree programme (M.F.Sc.) in Fisheries Science from 1982 to 1990. Later, to enable the students to get expertis in the field of fisheries biology, M.F.Sc degree programme in Fisheries Biology [M.F.Sc (Fisheries Biology)] was introduced during 1990. Following the ICAR guidelines, the degree was renamed as M.F.Sc (Fisheries Resource Management) in 2011 and since then M.F.Sc. degree program is offered in Fisheries Resource Management. The following ten courses (7 major + 3 minor) are offered under semester system for M.F.Sc.

Details of Courses

The doctoral programme (Ph.D) in Fisheries Biology and Capture Fisheries was started during 1989. The title was renamed as Fisheries Resource Management during 2011 and since then, Ph.D is offered as Fisheries Resource Management. The following seven courses (5 major + 2 minor) are offered under semester system for Ph.D.

Research Projects

Sl.No Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Period
1 Assessment of fishing pattern and fishing pressure in Gulf of Mannar
Co- PI : Dr. David Kingston
Dr. P. Jawahar
NABARD (NAFFC) Rs. 21.00 lakhs 2017 - 2018
Sl.No Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Period
1 Resource Management and conservation of Kombuthurai through co-management
PI: Dr. P. Jawahar
Tamil Nadu State Fisheries Department under FIMSUL II Rs. 4.99 lakhs March 2016 - March 2018
2 Establishment of marine finfish hatchery system at Mandapam
PI: Dr. P. Jawahar
NADP Scheme Rs. 1.85 crores 31.12.2014 to 31.03.2017
3 Impact of large scale cultivation of seaweeds on coastal environment of India
Co- PI : Dr. P. Jawahar
Dr. N. Jayakumar
NCSCM, Chennai Rs. 47.24 lakhs 14.11.2013 to 31.03.2016
4 Development of Technologies for hatchery production of Marine gastropods and Ornamental fishes at Lakshadweep and Gulf of Mannar Islands- sea ranching and technology transfer to coastal and island communities’.
PI: Dr. P. Jawahar
Ministry of Earth Science, Government of In Rs. 33.39 lakhs 2008 - 2012
5 Generating alternative livelihood options for the coastal community towards biodiversity conservation in Tamilnadu.
PI: Dr. N. Jayakumar
NADP Scheme Rs. 24.85 lakhs 2011 - 2012
6 Environmental factors influencing spatiotemporal variation of fish and shellfish eggs and larvae of Gulf of Mannar.
PI: Dr. P. Jawahar
Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Trust, Ramanathapuram Rs. 7.60 lakhs 2011 - 2012
7 Effect of kisspeptin on change in level of reproductive hormones and gonadal maturation in an air breathing fish, Channastriatus
PI : Dr. T. Francis
Co-PI: Dr. N. Jayakumar
DBT, New Delhi Rs. 49.32 lakhs 2010 - 2013
8 Molluscan diversity of Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Region and its current exploitation rate in different fishing practices sponsored by Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust, Ramanathapuram
PI : Dr. V.K. Venkataramani
Co-PI: Dr. N. Jayakumar
TANUVAS, Chennai Rs. 2.70 lakhs 2010 - 2013
9 Impact of trawling in Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Trust region - sponsored by Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust, Ramanathapuram
Co-PI: Dr. N. Jayakumar
TANUVAS, Chennai Rs. 2.50 lakhs 2010 - 2013

Outreach/Extension activities

No. of training programs / awareness programmes organized
Sl.No Title No. of Trainings Beneficiaries Period
1 Awareness programme on “Endangered Marine Organisms” 1 29 02 March 2018
2 Awareness programme on “IUU Fishing (with special reference for Minimum Legal Size)” 1 40 07 March 2018
3 GIS application in Fisheries 1 13 28 Feb to 04 March 2017
4 Statistical Data Collection – Marine Fish Landings – FIMSUL II 1 24 08 – 12, Feb, 2016
5 Marine biodiversity and taxonomy –NFDB 1 18 04 – 08, May, 2015
6 Training program on “Marine Diversity” 1 5 15 May -14 June, 2013
7 Training program on marine diversity and taxonomy 2 40 25 – 26 Mar, 2012 & 27 – 28 Mar, 2012
8 Lobster fattening - NADP Training Programme 4 80 23– 25, Jan, 2012,08– 10, Feb, 2012,21 – 22 Mar, 2012 and 18–20, Apr, 2012
9 Spirulina Culture 2 40 27 – 29, Jan, 2012 and 26– 28, Mar, 2012
10 Crab Fattening 3 60 30 Jan – 01 Feb, 2012, 22– 24, Feb, 2012, 04– 06, Jul, 2012
11 Freshwater ornamental fish culture 2 40 01– 03 Feb.2012, 17– 19 Sep.2012
12 Seaweed culture 4 80 15– 17, Feb, 2012,07 – 09 Mar. 2012, 14– 16, Mar, 2012 and 23– 25, May, 2012


UG and PG Laboratories
  • There are two laboratories (1 UG Lab & 1 PG Lab) for both teaching and research programmes. The UG biology laboratory is provided with ten laboratory tables for conducting anatomy and biology practicals. I instruments are available for teaching and research purposes including a stereoscopic zoom microscope, trinocular Nikon advanced research microscope with micro-photographic attachment, visualizer cum projector, underwater video-camera, Fry’s Modified Respirometer, ELISA Reader, Electrofisher, Spectrophotometer etc.
PG Class Room
  • There is a PG class room, attached to the Department of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management to teach the M.F.Sc (FRM) and Ph.D (FRM) students.
Fisheries Museum
  • A Fisheries Museum that houses about 1000 specimens of various aquatic organisms such as finfishes, shellfishes, corals, sponges, reptiles, mammals etc. is maintained by the department. Skeletal systems of two different whale species and stuffed specimens of dolphins, finfishes and aquatic birds are also available. The specimens are used to teach the courses like taxonomy of finfish and taxonomy of shellfish. In addition, the visitors of the museum are educated about the value of aquatic biodiversity and the need for proper conservation and management of aquatic resources by displaying the specimens in see through racks.
Wet Laboratory
  • A wet lab is available for theM.F.Sc (FRM) and Ph.D (FRM) students to carryout their dissertation work involving maintenance of live animals. FRP tanks and plastic tubs are provided for conducting basic research in biology.
Bioactive Substance Screening Facility
  • A facility for screening bioactive substances from marine organisms has been established under Part II scheme. Equipments like vertical ultra-low freezer, vacuum evaporator, refrigerated ultra-centrifuge, iso-electric focusing cell, laminar flow chamber, gel electrophoresis unit, incubator, hot air oven and analgesic meter (hot plate model) are available in the unit. This facility is used by both staff and students to carry out research on screening bioactive substances from molluscs, sponges, seaweeds etc.
Histology Laboratory
  • A histology unit has been established under a DBT scheme to carry out research on histological and endocrinological studies. Equipment like automatic tissue processor, manual microtome, tissue embedder, digital image processor, ELISA Reader, micro centrifuge, tissue floatation bath, heating mantle and flow through system are available for use by the PG students. This laboratory is also used to carry out research under externally funded projects by the faculty and dissertation work by M.F.Sc. and Ph.D students.
The following major instruments are available for teaching and research purposes.
S.No Name of the Equipment Quantity Utility / Purpose
1 Tissue Processor 1 Used to teach and demonstrate preparation of histological slides and observation and interpretation of slides to the UG and PG students. Further, they are used to carry out research projects.
2 Tissue Embedder and Cold Plate 1
3 Microtome 1
4 Microscope with Image Processing System 1
5 Rotary Evaporator 1 Used to recover solvent
6 ELISA Reader Bio Tek ELX 800 1 Used for reading hormone quantity and DNA purity
7 Nikon Microscope- model E50i 1 Used to observe tissues and larvae
8 New Brunswick Premium Ultra low temperature vertical freezer 1 Used to store fish and tissue samples
9 Refrigerated centrifuge Eppendorf 5804R 1 Used to conduct biochemical tests
10 Double distillation Unit 1 Used to produce distilled water for preparing various solutions
11 Incubator 1 General laboratory purpose
12 Hot air oven 1 General laboratory purpose
13 Laminar flow chamber 1 For conducting experiment under aseptic condition and carryout microbiological experiments for PG studies
14 Gel documentation system 1 For studying gel band
15 Electrophoresis unit 2 To perform protein characterization
16 Spectrophotometer 1 To perform essential water quality parameter and quantification of solution
17 Underwater video-camera 1 To observe and record coastal marine fauna and flora
18 Iso-electric focusing cell 1 For studying the protein character of fishes


i) Patents- Nil
ii) Awards
  • Dr.P.Jawahar - Received best paper presentation award from the Agriculture Tamil Science Movement, New Delhi during 2017.
  • Dr.P.Jawahar - Selected as Young scientist and carry out three-months foreign training in Genomic Resource Conservation (Fisheries) by NAIP, ICAR, New Delhi at Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang.
  • Dr.P.Jawahar - Tamil Nadu State Government awarded “TNSCST Young Scientist Fellowship programme, 2002”.
  • Dr.N.Jayakumar - Best Paper Award by Agricultural Scientific Tamil society, New Delhi, 2015.
  • Dr.N.Jayakumar - Best Teacher Award -2015 by TNFU, Nagapattinam.
  • Ms. Neetha shenoyM.F.Sc. student - Chief Guest Dr. Rajagopalan Award by TNFU, Nagapattinam.

Current Focus

  • Assessment of Single / Multispecies stock.
  • Studies on fish genomic resources & genetic characterization.
  • Identification of commercially important species of finfish and shellfish, eggs and larvae and spat.
  • Study on biology and biodiversity of exploited fisheries fisheryresources.
  • Study on breeding biology of small indigenous fresh water fishes.
  • Studies on general biology of endangered and indigenous ornamental resources.
  • GIS & Remote Sensing for Mapping Fishery Resources & Forecasting.
  • Assessment of impact of anthropogenic activities on fish and fish diversity.
  • Studies on Endocrine disruption & stress physiology.
  • Ecopathmodelling of reservoirs and closed ecosystems.
  • Studies on fish genomic resources & genetic characterization - DNA Barcoding.
  • Studies on endangered and indigenous ornamental fishery resources.
  • Underwater survey on coral and coral associated organisms.
  • Screening bioactive substances from marine organisms.
  • Underwater survey of reef resources along Gulf of Mannar.


Name Designation E-mail Mobile No
Dr. N. Jayakumar Associate Professor & Head 98655 25524
Dr. Durairaja Assistant Professor 84383 92033
Mr. C.Sudhan Assistant Professor 76390 20687


  • K.Karuppasamy, S.David Kingston, P. Jawahar, S.Aanand, V.K.Venkataramani and V.Vidhya. 2018. Population dynamics and stock assessment of Delegoa threadfin bream, Nemipterusbipunctatus (Nemipteridae), from the Wadge Bank, South India, Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 10 (1); 59 – 63.
  • Subburaj A, Jawahar P, Jayakumar N, Srinivasan A and Ahilan B. 2018. Histopathological investigations in liver and kidney of thefish, Oreochromismossambicus (tilapia) exposed to acute malathion toxicity, J. Exp. Zool. India Vol. 21, (1) pp. 77-81, 5.6.
  • Sudhan, C., Jawahar,P., Sugumar, G., David Kingston, S, 2018. Review on Sea Turtle Nesting Grounds of Tamil Nadu. Advances in Research. 13(5 ) 1-12. 4.80.
  • Subburaj A, Jawahar P, Jayakumar N, Srinivasan A and Ahilan B. 2018. Acute toxicity bioassay of Malathion (EC 50%) on the fish, Oreochromismossambicus (Tilapia) and associated histological alterations in gills. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 6(1): 103-107. 5.53.
  • Karuppasamy K, S David Kingston, P Jawahar and V Vidhya. 2018. Spatio-temporal variation in the diversity of threadfin breams (Family: Nemipteridae) from Wadge Bank, South India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 6(1): 450-454. 5.53.
  • V Vidhya, P Jawahar and K Karuppasamy, 2017. Annoted check list of the brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decopoda) from Gulf of Mannar region, South East Coast of India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5 (6). 2331- 2336, 5.53.
  • V.Vidhya, P.Jawahar, P.Padmavathy and K.Karuppasamy. 2016. “Morphometrics and length-weight relationship of Marine portunid crab, Portunuspelagicus (Linnaeus) (Decapods, Brachyuran) from Gulf of Mannar Coast of India”. Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Research, 45 (5), 756-768, 4.41.
  • Saravanan, R., P. Jawahar, T. Francis, B. Ahilan, R. Santhakumar, G. Gopakumar. 2017. Echinoid landings at Mandapam, south-east coast of India with a note on gonadal maturity of two species of sea urchins. Indian J. Fish., 64 (Special Issue), 190-193, 6.16.
  • M. Vasantharajan, P. Jawahar, S. Santhoshkumar & P.Ramyalakshmi, 2017. Age, Growth and Mortality characteristics of Lethrinuslentjan (Lacepede, 1802) exploited off Thoothukudi coast, Tamilnadu, India. Indian Journal of GeoMarine sciences. 46 (11): 2367-2371, 6.32.
  • H.S.Mogalekar, J.Canciyal, P.Jawahar, D.S.Patadiya, C.Sudhan, P.Pavinkumar, Prateek, S.Santhoshkumar & A.Subburaj. 2017. Estuarine fish diversity of Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences. 46(10), 1968-1985, 6.32.
  • Santhoshkumar S, CBT Rajagopalsamy, P Jawahar, N Jayakumar and P Pavinkumar. 2017 Growth and mortality characteristics of Otolithesruber (Schneider, 1801) exploited off Thoothukudi Coast, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 5(4), 1746-1749. 5.53.
  • Kanaga, V., M. Rajakumar, P . Jawahar, NV. Sujathkumar, R. Senthiladeban, A Brita Nicy and K Vicknesh, 2017. Fishermen livelihoods and marine fishery resources : An impact study in Gulf of Mannar coast , Tamil Nadu, Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies, 5 (6): 149-152. 5.53.
  • Kalaiyarasi, T., Jayakumar, N., P. Jawahar, B. Ahilan and A. Subburaj. 2017. Histological changes in the gill and liver of marine spotted catfish, Arius maculatus from sewage disposal site, Therespuram off Thoothukudi, Southeast coast of India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies. 5 (5), 1710-1715, 5.53.
  • H.S. Mogalekar, P. Jawahar, A. Srinivasan, K. Karl Marx, N.V. Sujathkumar, J. Canciyal, C. Sudhan, 2017. Discovery of the Amazon sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthyspardalis (Castelnau, 1855) (Teleostei: Loricariidae) from Manimuthar dam, Tamiraparani River system, India Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 5(4), 1229-1231, 5.53.
  • Sudhan, C., Kingston, D.S., Jawahar, P., Aanand, S. 2017. Updated checklist of fish species in Pechiparai reservoir, Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 5(4). 171-178, 5.53.
  • N. Jayakumar, V.K.Venkataramani, T. Vaitheeswaran and P. Jawahar, July – Dec 2016. Biodiversity and biology ofornamental wrasses (Family:Labridae) of Gulf of Mannar,southeast coast of India, Journal of Marine Biological Association of India, 58 (2), 133-141. 5.28.
  • Sudhan, C., P. Jawahar, N. Moulitharan and S. Santhoshkumar, 2017. Short communication on stranded Bryde’s whale along Thoothukudi Coast of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 5(2), 507-512. 5.53.
  • Rani, V., P. Jawahar, R. JeyaShakila and A. Srinivasan. 2017. Influence of Species, Geographic Location, Seasonal Variation and Extraction Method on the Fucoidan Yield of the Brown Seaweeds of Gulf of Mannar, India. Indian J Pharm Sci, 79(1), 65-71. 6.76.
  • M. Vasantharajan, P. Jawahar, B. Sundaramoorthy and P. Ramyalakshmi, 2017. Composition of Lethrinid Fishes from Thoothukudi Coast, Tamil Nadu, India. SKUAST Journal of Research, 19 (1). 147-151.
  • Karuppasamy, K., S. David Kingston, P. Jawahar, V. K. Venkataramani, V. Vidhya and P. Sri Dattatreya, 2017. Length-weight relationship of Lethrinuslentjanand Nemipterusbipunctatus (Valenciennes, 1830) from Wadge bank, South, J. Exp. Zool. India. 20(1). 1, 539-542. NASS: 5.51.
  • Elakkanai, P., T.Francis, B.Ahilan, P.Jawahar, P.Padamavathy, N. Jayakumar and NeethaShenoy, 2016. Effect of GnRH on change in Testosterone and Estradiol-17β level in Blood serum of Rainbow shark, E.frenatum. Environment & Ecology. 34(4), 1721-1725, 4.18.
  • Saravanan, R., P. Jawahar, T. Francis, B. Ahilan and R. Santhakumar, 2016. Influence of Sea Surface Temperature on the Gonadal development of Sea urchin Temnopleurustoreumaticusfrom the Gulf of Mannar, South East Coast of India. Current World Environment. 11(1), 133-141. 4.25.
  • Muniyapillai, P., B. Sundaramoorthy, N. Neethiselvan and P. Jawahar, 2016. Efficiency of hand jigging for cuttlefishes in Kombudurai Village, southeast coast of Tamilnadu, Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 19 (1), 531-535, 4.63.
  • Juliet Selvarani, A., P. Padmavathy, A. Srinivasan and P. Jawahar, 2016. Bioremediation of municipal wastewater, sewage water and seafood processing plant wastewater using mixed microalgae, Environment and Ecology, 34 (4B), 2134- 2138, 4.09.
  • Saravanan, R., P. Jawahar, T. Francis, B. Ahilan, R. Santhakumar and A. Anand, 2016. Studies on the Influence of Abiotic Factors in the Gonadal Index of Sea urchin Salmacisvirgulata from the Gulf of Mannar, South East Coast of India. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(2), 1-5, 4.06.
  • Mogalekar, H. S., and P. Jawahar, 2015. Freshwater ornamental fish diversity of Tamil Nadu. J. inland Fish. Soc. India, 47(2), 27-37, 4.15.
  • Pavinkumar, P., P. Jawahar and H.S. Mogalekar, 2015. Estuarine fish diversity of Manakudy estuary, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Environment and Bio-sciences, 29 (2), 523-528, 4.2.
  • Rani, V., P. Jawahar and R. JeyaShakila. . Seasonal variation in biomass and abundance of brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) In Gulf of Mannar, Tamilnadu, India. The Bioscan.10(2): 1123-1129, 4.57.
  • Jawahar, P., B. Sundaramoorthy and P. Chidambaram. 2014. Studies on breeding biology of Panulirushomarus (Linnaeus, 1758) Thoothukudi, Southeastern coast of India. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India.17(1): 175-181, 4.63.
  • Jawahar, P., G. Brucelee and T. Umamaheswari. 2013. Marine ornamental ichthyofaunal diversity of Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 110(2): 156-162, 3.97.

  • Mogalekar, H.S., J. Canciyal and P. Jawahar 2017. Inland fish diversity.Pb. Scholars’ world, New Delhi. p. 224.
  • Mogalekar, H.S., J. Canciyal and P. Jawahar 2015. Marine Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Conservation. ISBN: 978-3-659-69557-5, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Bocking-Str. 6-8, 66121 Saarbrucken, Deutschland/Germany, 185 p.
  • Mogalekar,H.S., P. Jawahar, T. Francis 2015. Status and Management of Small Pelagic Fisheries of India. ISBN: 978-3-659-69292-5, LAMBERT Academic Publishing,Heinrich-Bocking-Str. 6-8, 66121 Saarbrucken, Deutschland/Germany,44 p
  • Rajagopalsamy, C.B.T., N. Jayakumar and V.K. Venkataramani (Eds.), 2013. Proceedings of the National Conference on Coral Reef Ecosystem, held at FC&RI during 18 – 19, September, 2008. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamilnadu, India (139 pp.) [ISBN: 978-81-923578-0-5]
  • Jawahar, P. 2012. Taxonomy of shellfish. p.104. (in Tamil)
  • Jayakumar, N. 2012. Anatomy of finfish and shellfish (in Tamil)
  • Santoshkumar, S., C.B.T. Rajagopalsamy, P. Jawahar and T. Francis. 2012. Biology of Finfish and shellfish. p.95. (in Tamil).
  • Venkataramani,V.K., R. Jeyaraman, M. NagoorMeeran, B. Sundaramoorthy and N. Jayakumar, 2011. Souvenir of National Seminar on Promotion of Fisheries and Alternative Livelihood in Fisheries Sector, organized by the DRE (F) at FCRI, Thoothukudi during 09 – 10, November 2011

  • David Kingston, S.,P. Jawahar, P. Pavinkumar and V. Vidhya.2018. Awareness manual on “ Endangered Marine Organisms”. Pp.30. (tamil).
  • David Kingston, S., P. Jawahar, P. Pavinkumar and V. Vidhya.2018. Awareness manual on “ IUU Fishing (with special reference for Minimum Legal Size)”. 26. (tamil).
  • Jawahar, P. 2015. Training Manual on Marine Biodiversity and conservation, FCRI, TNFU, Thoothukudi. pp. 140.
  • Jawahar, P., M. Venkatasamy 2012. Marine Biodiversity, FCRI, TNFU, Thoothukudi - 8.
  • Jayakumar, N., S. Athithan, T. Vaitheeswaran, T. Francis, M. Venkatasamay and V.K. Venkataramani, 2012. Training Manual on Lobster Fattening, Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management, FC&RI, Thoothukudi.
  • Jayakumar, N., S. Athithan, T. Vaitheeswaran, T. Francis, M. Venkatasamy and V.K. Venkataramani, 2012. Training Manual on Crab Fattening, Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management, FC&RI, Thoothukudi.
  • Jayakumar, N., S. Athithan, T. Vaitheeswaran, T. Francis, M. Venkatasamy and V.K. Venkataramani, 2012. Training Manual on Seaweed Culture, Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management, FC&RI, Thoothukudi.
  • Jayakumar, N., S. David Kingston, K. Ravaneswaran, V. Senthilkumar, D. Manikandavelu, S. Athithan, T. Vaitheeswaran and V.K. Venkataramani, 2012. Training Manual on Freshwater Ornamental Fish Culture, Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management, FC&RI, Thoothukudi.
  • Jayakumar, N., D. Manikandavelu, S. David Kingston, V. Senthilkumar, S. Athithan, K. Ravaneswaran and T. Vaitheeswaran, 2012. Training Manual on Spirulina Culture, Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Resource Management, FC&RI, Thoothukudi.

  • David Kingston, S., P. Jawahar, P. Pavinkumar and V. Vidhya.2018. Endangered Gastropods and Bivalves.
  • David Kingston, S., P. Jawahar, P. Pavinkumar and V. Vidhya.2018. Endangered Marine Mammals.
  • David Kingston, S., P. Jawahar, P. Pavinkumar and V. Vidhya.2018. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU).
  • Santhoshkumar. S., P.Jawahar and P.Pavinkumar.2017. Fisheries resource conservation by Avoiding small fish stocks.

  • Uma, A., C. Ananth and P. Jawahar. 2017. Cobia disease and its management Center for Marine finfish culture, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, SeeniappaDargha, Ramanathapurm. p. 6
  • Jayakumar, N., T. Francis and P. Jawahar. 2015. Protected Marine animals. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi.
  • Jayakumar,N, K. Veerabhadran and G. Aruloli , 2016. Sustainable Marine Fisheries Resource Management, Dept. of Fisheries Extension, FCRI, Thoothukudi (in Tamil).
  • Jayakumar,N., T. Francis, P. Jawaharand R. Santhakumar, 2016. Marine animals protected under Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, Dept. of Fisheries Extension, FCRI.
  • Francis,T., N. Jayakumar, K. Veerabhadran and G. Aruloli, 2016. Dept. of Fisheries Extension, FCRI, Thoothukudi Seaweeds (in Tamil).
  • Jayakumar, N., T. Francis and P. Jawahar and R. Santhakumar, 2016. Marine animals protected under Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Dept., of Fisheries Extension, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi.
  • Santhoshkumar, S., T. Francis, P. Jawahar and G. Aruloli and K. Veerabhasdran. 2016. sea turtles. . Dept., of Fisheries Extension, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi.
  • Jawahar, P., 2015. Fisheries Museum. Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University, Thoothukkudi-628 008. p6.
  • Francis, T. P. Jawahar and N. Jayakumar, 2014. Mangrove forests and their conservation. Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Thoothukkudi - 628 008. p8.
  • Francis,T., P. Jawahar and N. Jayakumar 2014. Conservation of mangroves and its uses. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi – 628 008.p8.
  • Jayakumar,N., T. Francis and P. Jawahar 2014. Marine animals protected by Indian Wild Life (Protection) Act. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi – 628 008.p8.
  • Jawahar, P., R. Santhakumar and K. Verabatran, 2013. Crab Fattening. Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University, Thoothukkudi - 628 008. p8.
  • Jawahar, P., N. Jayakumar, S. Santoshkumar, T. Francis, and M. Venkatasamy. 2012. Coral resource and their conservation. Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Thoothukkudi-628 008.p8.
  • Santoshkumar,S., T. Francis, P., Jawahar, N. Jayakumar and M. Venkatasamy. 2012. Sea turtles. Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Thoothukkudi-628 008.p8.
  • Francis, T. , N. Jayakumar, S. Santoshkumar, P. Jawahar and M. Venkatasamy. 2012. Seaweeds Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Thoothukkudi-628 008.p8.
  • Jayakumar, N., T. Francis, P. Jawahar, S. Santhoshkumar, and M. Venkatasamy. 2012. Chank resources and their conservation. Pb. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Thoothukkudi-628 008.