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“Care and maintenance of fishing boat engines and safety of fishermen at sea to the fishermen of mechanized fishing vessels of Thoothukudi district”

The Department of Fishing Technology and Fisheries Engineering (DFT&FE) of Fisheries College and Research Institute (FC&RI), Thoothukudi, one of the constituent units of Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University is organizing a one week on campus training programme on “Care and maintenance of fishing boat engines repair and safety of fishermen at sea to the fishermen of mechanized fishing vessels of Thoothukudi district” from 27.05.2024 to 03.06.2024. The training programme is funded by Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC), Chennai. A total of 20 fishermen of Thoothukudi are participating in the training programme. The inaugural function of the programme was held at the Centre for Incubation and Vocational Training in Fisheries (CIVF), Fishing harbour, Thoothukudi on 27.05.2024 at 10.00 a.m. Dr. T. Ravikumar, Assistant Professor, DFTFE, FC & RI, Thoothukudi welcomed the gathering. Dr.N.V.Sujathkumar, Dean in charge, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi presided over the function. In the presidential address, he explained about the importance of on-board safety measures to be followed during fishing. Dr. N. Neethiselvan, Professor and Head, DFTFE, FC & RI, Thoothukudi explained about the various aspects of the training programme. Captain J. Mohan Kumar, Dean, Tamil Nadu Maritime Academy, Thoothukudi (TNMA), Thoothukudi and Mr. R.Kanagaraj, Training Officer, District Skill Development Training Office, Thoothukudi offered felicitation addresses. Mr. S. Mariappan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of FT & FE delivered the vote of thanks. This programme was jointly coordinated by staff and research scholars of the DFTFE, FC&RI, Thoothukudi.