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A one day off campus awareness programme Backyard freshwater ornamental fish culture technology among rural women of Thoothukudi District conducted on 10.07.2024 at A.M.Patti, Thoothukudi

Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi organized a one day off campus awareness programme "Backyard freshwater ornamental fish culture technology among rural women of Thoothukudi District" on 10.07.2024 at A.M.Patti, Thoothukudi. A total of 35 rural women were attended the training programme. This programme was organized by the Department of Fisheries Extension, Economics and Statistics of this institute.

Dr. G. Arul Oli, Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries Extension, Economics and Statistics and Dr.V.Gomathy, Assistant Professor (C) Department of Fisheries Extension, Economics and Statistics were delivered lectures on commercially important ornamental fish species, live feeds for freshwater ornamental fish culture, water quality management in freshwater ornamental fish culture, breeding of fresh water ornamental fish egg layers and live bearers, feeds and feeding management in ornamental fish culture, marketing, economics and entrepreneurship development. The rural women participants were benefitted out of this awareness programme.

FC&RI, Thoothukudi