On the occasion of the 78 th Independence Day celebration at Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam, respected Vice-Chancellor Dr. N. Felix hoisted the national flag at TNJFU Administrative building, Vettar River View Campus, Nagapattinam on 15 th August 2024. The Independence Day speech of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor embraced the history behind Indian Independence and various recent accomplishments in science, technology, economic fronts, global leadership and the facilities created for the development of resources by the Indian Government. In his speech, the Respected Vice-Chancellor advised the faculty and students to focus on research, technology development, AI, patents and hard work with commitment towards nation building with the base of rich Indian History and heritage to make India a World leader by 2047. The Vice-Chancellor congratulated all the faculties and students for their effort in bringing the University rank from 40 to 32 in the latest National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking under Agricultural and Allied Sectors category.